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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. INFO: * Uninstall all: Microsoft Visual C++ from Control panel * after that delete file listed by BE C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6229_none_d089f796442de10e\msvcp80.dll * after all of that install this package of all Visual C++ runtimes https://www.computerbase.de/downloads/systemtools/all-in-one-runtimes/ * after that run some virus scan for my friend its blocking "RIVA Tuner" and "Start is back" PS. BE blocking attaching to the process thats why its sidplaying that things - if applications isnt verified then it happends
  2. @hackerung just use /report <nickname> system which allows you now to report directly and telling what exacly is wrong with a player i could say that max number of red derank medals should be 5 in mission if u have more KICK from server and mission isnt counted for you (this will be rough but preety good in longer perroid of time) will remove suicide, team killing, arrested killers, stuners, afkers etc. + remove minus points so deranking will be imossible after some time devs could increase the number of red medals from 5 to some more it it will be needed "adding fuel refill will remove runners - this is stupid and childish tactics ..."
  3. @Spy @CookiePuss @Noob_Guardian additional "not holding sprint" is healthy for your fingers hold crouch is better for your gameplay but its buggy if u press both CTRL and SHIFT ps. its kinda of public question so u can share it + its attached only for UE3.0 version of the game, Current version. Not after Engine Upgrade
  4. @PrussianDarkness there are some sketchy shit going on with trade locking it happends too much random - propably ? i find out that there are a few triggers - trade with not a friend (ingame + im not sure about it) + in trade u get weapon and second guy gets nothing (its propably for scam protection - 3 days tradelock isnt bad in that case) - i get tradelock for exchanging weapon for nothing with not a friend - you updated an game / config files / replaced some files ingame (tradelock could happend) - mostly u will be asked for 2FA code - login from diffrent client ( tradelock 3 days ) - and 2FA code needed
  5. @hackerung did u ream my whole post or only the thing u quoted ? because i assume you read only "less then 50%" of my post ... the thing is its too easy to get gold and after that its wide range of players with gold for example range 1-10 where 1 is guy who get gold after last mission and 10 is guy who not seen silver on his account from first time getting gold if we match those ppl together no matter that ppl with numbers closer to 1 (looking at the range i specify 1-10) will lose golds in no time because opposition is too hard for them "GOLD != GOLD" - now days in addition i will tell im not favorize a derankers im just saying the system is broken and need a full redesign or at last more comparison to players to avoid that procedure what happend right now - get matched against overpower guys with very good team play with 3 of ur team mates are silvers with no team play skill or aim - rage - derank last time i got matched like 3 golds vs 1 gold ... oh and maybe adding hours counter playing on that account could solve some problems (just to visualize the things @Legenderi oh and one more thing @hackerung stop downvoting all posts u tryhard ...
  6. @hackerung why u mension only 1 point from my post ? ehh ? and the one which im about 20% sure about ... No its not... thats it Long PS. getting gold playing with secondary ... getting gold without any kill in the mission getting gold after 1 min of mission while getting backuped not getting gold using sketchy technics to remove score from ur score board ... REDESIGN OF POINTS ASSIGNED IN THE MISSION IS THE FIRST MOVE them we can abit of redesign a points factor needed to get threat up or down depending on averrange players points in the mission after reworking Points assignation in the mission you made a statistics graph which got a collected data from missions happend in for example week or month (more better) not connecting if he wins or lose. now threat levels comparing a graph and last 10 missions (for example - and yes yours missions) if factor fits in the procent below of the graph we made he earns this threat ... - green first 20% - bronze 30% - silver 35% - gold 15% its an example only. It need to be tweaked to the player base and graph need to be done life like comparing gameplays of last 1 month gameplays scores then making an factor isnt that bad about "10 missions" variable adds 10 missions score to each other and devidint by missions count i know my english sucks af i think u can understand at last a base of this idea
  7. ticket spaming with stupid topics like "why i got banned for kys" on 3 - 15 days and simmilar ... some of them are really hard topics like something is broken and noone know whats going on but with alot of that trash support tickets its hard to find a proper one to answer so they need to go through all of them reading all the stupidity of ppl without complaining Merged. yea i was wondering why this old thing is still in walk ... matt should give us some screenshots (even abit of beautified - or taken in special areas that will not seen broken etc.)
  8. anyway they could theme steal this themes long time ago and now copy them and resell ...
  9. @Ketog you forgot about Shield fall through ground fix server migration (from old place to new one) @onionopinions "they let the game be ddos'd for months straight" -> they got that fixed + G1 has ddosed since 2011 or something ... "they broke the gun balance and refuse to fix it or do anything to the game for that matter" -> you propably talking about JG ? its because the hitreg is terrible and this gun has an delayed shoots "they released riot mode tests..." -> yea not good idea but looking at the engine they propably want to understand it more by addins something and testing it i think not all ppl sees that:
  10. 1. rework point assignation in mission (kill rewards, kill+assist reward, objective points depending on time spending on them, arrest reward, dethreat medals minus points removal, stunning rewards, free arrested player rewards ... ) 2. If player stays as gold on bronze server (for example 2 missions or more - depends on needs, 2 should be ok) kick them from game and let them login again and join silver district. 3. actually get a system which will kick players who has too high accuracy above 90%+ comparing it over 10 matches or something similar (so it will prevent a fault detection of "something going sketchy there") 4. rework a threat requirements (entirely deleting green threat requirements and replacing it on order from bronze > green, silver > bronze, gold > silver, NewThreat > gold - abit tweaking a threats increasing by maybe 5-10% requirements of obtaining one - just alittle bit so it will not destroy nothing) actually after points 1. and 4. there could not be any derankers ( if there are they should be temporaly suspended (3 days, 7 days, 3 weeks, 3 months , after 3 months each suspension will apply next 3 months - it will teach player to not do this things after suspension expired ) if im not clear in some texts above tell me i will try to explain it more (its like thoughts of a few veterans playing this game from very long time - and hated DTers + 100% accuracy biatches with GOD response times)
  11. try same password from steam if not works try to recover password some games on steam has this trouble that u cant login no matter what manually (they mainly send an some kind of request from Steam to login without typing account data)
  12. @MattScott Wouldnt it be easier to make an bound redeem key (like we have 15 Days Premium from Loyality) for PC players to all accounts "ON PC" and then focus on adding premium manually on "consoles" ?? just wondering why that method ?
  13. TheSxW


    winsxs could be easly deleted its some kind of windows trash can ... check if u have same checksums of this files shell32.dll CRC-32: 847d1ebd MD4: 127f00115e258e8daea8fb5252dd9871 MD5: 7f5024fbe38e7bbc7d6472091f696406 SHA-1: 33062d3c6be82255f493197cf01136653e60bb22 comctl32.dll CRC-32: 96dbef58 MD4: 7f0a94e9f8a1191ccac67b277af6ae0a MD5: ce45ab73e9f2b5272b8d2ef01faccb40 SHA-1: a104db9f1296c3182014814133d316f5ce30dfb6 ieframe.dll CRC-32: 673f9d03 MD4: eaa9f9e38ecdab62dee5a006b1f20c5e MD5: 4013299da54640c15dac2f456ce7bf93 SHA-1: 5ed057893a03119a6bdd21b39c76c7b595263aa6 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll <- not existant in windows 10 (for me) I used program called Everything to quick find those files just typing localizations u have from BE console some program propably changed this files and adds this urlmon.dll (or u are using older windows - propably win 7 has this file) you can try to run an ADWCleaner but i think only reintall a windows could help out with this problem or restoring this files to its originals
  14. email should be same as yours from steam
  15. servers goes online yesterday propably ;) read news forum ...
  16. TheSxW


    Contact support
  17. i dont mean "falling through the ground granades" - i mean a granades that explote in enemy face or on car dealing no damage or very small (it could be happenign because of server desynchronisation to the client but dont know)
  18. TheSxW


    maybe no variants ? * 300 ammo only and u need to refill. Refilling 100 per second or 1.5 second * fire rate of shaw (or similar) * calculate 0.7 ttk or higher (propably 10+ bullets to kill) * recoil like euryale ? or abit higher (vertical) anyway good idea ;)
  19. it has been started after concusion granades got "nerfed" dont know why ... (they could at last lower damage on players not breaking this granades to the brim ...
  20. TheSxW

    Daily log in bonus

    did u know what golden boxes have in their awards ? lowest tier has 15 day weapon after that goes 30 day weapon or promum, year or perm cars, perm weapons, legendaries Maybe better rewards for ticket missions from contacts ? and increasing number of them from 5 to 10 ? (they are just useless now if u doing fightclub)
  21. it was suggested long time ago propably. Its a good idea but i think making loadouts will be better adding more. In todays UI structure its propably unable to done it (maybe like yu suggested but adding new staff to the actual engine its pointless lets first update to UE3.5 or 4.0 then it will be more usable oh and removing mods without pickuping weapon will be good too xD
  22. TheSxW

    Daily log in bonus

    they can made an *box* that has been used for testing gear ;P like 1-5 per day to run with random weapons Legendaries/Armas/Rare ticket missions oca's/jocker store it could be an good option + some random premium 1 - 5 days + JT rewards
  23. hmmm dont use rythm guns ?? use automatic one ?
  24. if good working raid controller is breaking then you hope that corrupted data isnt backuped (so thats why it take them that long + they propably need to wait on a new one
  25. it occurs like an configuration fault at beginning after few days "controller" got fucked up heavly and connection was shutted down almost completly - the best thing is that all hardware was brand new ... if ur HDD dies in pc u will not even notice it untill u will have to access an hdd data directly - it happends to me at work - windows works like always but i cant get into drive files (but mozilla works fine loading staff from internet all was saved in RAM (strangely) after restart it completly dies - it was an disk head fault
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