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About RevoFire

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    semper liber

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  1. The game will enter sessions where it will freeze for 5-10 seconds for about 5-7 times in a row. It's terrible and as you can imagine, is game breaking as it may render you useless for a large portion of a mission. This happens even when I have very high FPS consistently. I can be carrying 50+, 60FPS average and get this freezing issue. Actually, I reckon this has nothing to do with FPS at all. It may be a loading glitch, who knows? All I know is that this can happen even when you're not in motion, but if you dare move your camera or anything happens that will cause your viewport to move, it'll likely trigger the next burst.
  2. Full agreeance. Threat should be fixed to allow for slower learning but all in all, we should always push our limits. It's what I do and that's by choice, it's more than the BF way... it applies to all competitive gaming.
  3. One one side of the coin, you should look up anger management techniques but when you get the chance, go back to the fundamentals. Realize it's not your fault and what people think of you isn't worth that level of stress. You will learn, you will improve, and at the end of the day being better is better than looking better (your stats for any given day). And on the other side of the coin, you can use those pictures to get a quote from local repair companies.
  4. And my GTX 1060 gets 35% utilization on max settings but my frames drop into the dumpster. The simple fact is that APB only recognizes the hardware equivalent of old Intel Integrated Graphics and assumes the rest is trash it doesn't need. Of course I'm exaggerating but yeah, the game is broken fundamentally and the engine upgrade is liable to fix that. One would hope.
  5. Except on my GTX 1060 at 35-45% maximum usage I still get massive FPS lag in firefights, so I love pretty stuff and would require it remain pretty, the engine upgrade NEEDS to happen. I am losing so many fights that I would otherwise win due to lag. I can't learn and improve if I'm fighting the game, that's not skill, that's compensation.
  6. That happens when the server lags I thought, because others who have just as fast computers as I do had a similar issue with only 20% utilization on the GPU. If we have the same FPS lag at the same time, it's not a hardware issue. As for drivers, I use the latest Nvidia drivers on my GTX 1060 and it works fine for the most part, so maybe it's a mix of OS and drivers then, who knows? I'm running Windows 10, latest updates.
  7. Sales bring money, sales aren't even that hard to do. So if they're waiting... that means the engine upgrade isn't that far out.
  8. RevoFire

    [Trello] Just a idea!

    Whilst a good idea, this would likely only benefit post engine upgrade as they are not intending to do anything major until after the game is unified across all platforms, that's ground zero for APB:RR. After that? I'd hope they would but no fingers crossed. I'd expect them to do regular shows on stream/video instead.
  9. I'd like more lingerie for women though. Instead of having to use skin-tight or body paint, I can just use actual clothing items, that would be nice. Also get rid of the damn trim on the adhesive bra.
  10. Wholesome, I vote we let him back in. I was the same way with Combat Arms, I was a good player and had spent $100s on the game but literally everyone was hacking. How do I know? Try wallhacking in a game where you're sure everyone hacks. Now dance around behind buildings and walls and watch everyone react so suspiciously. It's almost as if they can see you... That was hilarious also when I activated my flight hack and literally everyone started taking off. Either way, I'd never likely do this with APB as it's never truly dead, you can't kill this thing. So to add to the problem for a little bit of fun here would be going against everything I do here. I'm hoping they up the anti-cheat though, I try to legitimately beat hackers and it hurts my morale because I am fighting impossible fights.
  11. Multiple times it would happen where I want to get away from a situation whilst crouched and taking fire, I would start pressing my move keys and hit shift (usually hit shift first) but it would not end my crouch, usually ending in me dying. This is not an exclusive issue to me or my hardware as multiple unrelated people report the same problem. Is this working as intended or is there something else at work here?
  12. RevoFire


    APB: Yo Dawg
  13. Is this one of them famous shitposts you been talkin' about?
  14. I don't care if you think I have a good reason or not, we think so and that is enough. It's free expression. It's not something you'd know but I'm the biggest anti-racist, anti-Nazi, anti-commie you might meet for some time. However I still have no qualms dressing up as Hitler if I felt so inclined just for shits and giggles. Basic offense has gone too far, I don't think you deserve this courtesy in the slightest. It's hinders everyone's fun and in the long run is just detrimental to the community as a whole.
  15. But that's just unrealistic, whilst a good solution it doesn't feel right. If I had to pick, I'd rather make the HVR feel heavier, so that means no more quick switching and you will have a hard time running around/maneuvering with it so if you want to try and cheese people in CQC, you're going to have to work like hell for it, and for that it's really no longer worth it.
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