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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. I find out that you try to run AHK script while ingame and game automaticly kicks you so GET LOST its has been tested so no excuses here ps. mods could u close this ?
  2. Could u tell ur mates to disable putting ":;.,<>()-=+' characters in redeem code ? @MattScott
  3. TheSxW

    AHK kick from Battleye

    reinstall APB was waste of time ``deleted all AHK programs / Rigistery / Temp Registery and Restarted pc`` this should do the work or reinstall BE if still problem (but i will say u should do this first)
  4. u will wait quite long if it say AutoHotKey than it means someone (or you ) have installed AHK ((autohotkey)) in ur pc after uninstalling it its not fully erased first of all try to delete temporary files del /f /s /q C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp\*.* del /f /s /q C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\*.* del /f /s /q C:\Windows\Temp\*.* del /f /s /q C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.* del /f /s /q C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\*.* del /f /s /q C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* del /f /s /q C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\*.* if u put those line in notepad and save as name.bat file and run it as administrator it will delete all files from that directories without asking after that go to regedit in <windows flag on keyboard> + R type "regedit" hit enter and search for AHK or autohotkey if something is finded send screenshots here i will tell u if u can delete it (u know there is always something in windows who can be names same to find record in regeditprogram go to edit > find after u type what u want to find hit F3 key to search for next one if it find something or use some ultimate ? uninstaller which will search all contents that remains in ur pc or use CCleaner to clear ud staff in PC (old rip staff) EVENTUALLY USE HiJackThis to turn off processes at startup which not showup in autostart xD ADWCleaner to delete some malvares and other unwanted staff my repository from discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/437969524281704458/437969780662599681/HijackThis_2.0.4program https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/437969524281704458/437970136872517643/adwcleaner_7.0.8.0program + u can use combofix if u have Windows 7
  5. i think they change something and suddenly set delay 1 min ...
  6. same with "madjong" mission or something like that u can wait 8 minutes just afking until games tells u where bases are.
  7. after phasing i think they will made something like event spawning xD so it will avoid this Killed after phasing
  8. New ARMAS is open for SQL Injection ... (its not showing much, but you could DROP TABLE from some spots)
  9. @MattScott disable /abandonmission in this event after i win 5 matches (takes me 5 hours) and mission wont progress (this glitchy one who has been fixed next day) then (next day) i got complete 3 matches which i done in 20-30 min hooping between districts ... LOL im stop at lvl 3 and left event i just hunt for mission which gives `witches hat`
  10. https://db.apbvault.net/contacts/Financial_Halloween_B1/ i cound it finally
  11. @MattScott Hey could you please change this "Dayly Epidfemic missions in sort of something like in fightclub baylan and increased value of missions done ? we have like 9 lvls to do so its at last 9 days if u lucky maybe u should lower timer from 24h to 1h ? to let ppl spend time ingame and not just grind 1 daily and left. OFCORE YESTERDAY I GET WIN MATCH MISSION WHICH I CANT EVEN FINISH WHILE I WIN 10 MATCHES IN THIS DAY NEXT QUESTION FROM WHERE I CAN GET THIS FUKIN WITCHES HAT !!!!!!!!!!!
  12. hello i have some staff to talk about I will pin there @MattScott 1. why i see at top left corner 22% ? if i already got all rewards obtain not count boxes each 1000G1C and 15 day premium voucher each 5000G1C if thats discount then it should be described 2. maybe some loyality rewards after spending more then Euryale ? like some random boxes vouchers ? let me tell for example 10 boxes of random number to obtain after each 5k or 7k G1C spend ? maybe some 5 day premium ? for 1250 G1C spend etc. propably some wepons, cloths etc.
  13. TheSxW

    N-Tec 7 'Ursus'

    its propably made in purpose to not wave action house/marketplace with new legendaries im assume its 7 days delay. i will preffer u just use this weapon for this time. PS. or u meet some glitched circumstanced which occurs not tradable item in return talk to support meybe they will Inspect this @MattScott @Selali
  14. "i use Flaws not entire one just abit of it" "not entire one just abit of it" please read whole post without skipping
  15. im explaining how to "propably" get rid of this strange stutters ingame while u attack someone and game freezes for some time i remember old times where screenshots of cheats was public now its only one running all over the place (with AIMBOT tab) - if u will look u will find it PS. what configuration bumbass ? Game.ini files ? if yes then u are dumbier then others on this forum which is a "huge insult" changing "Game.ini" files isnt banable except u change too much but still so much players uses Flaws configs because they cant even get stable 30 fps "ingame settings is a joke" im agree man 100% finally someone who thinks heh about this there is so much rus cheats going on as i see this i realise that they need cheat to even compete with normal old players ...
  16. 1. try to use lowest possible setting that wont crash the game (check if it helps) 2. use this new function in graphical options / advanced (first position) - check if it helps 2,5. use flaws configs (almost all files, removing muzzle sounds and others cpu/gpu/drive hungry staff) 3. turn off vivoxvoiceserviceprogram from processes (or even replace this file with empty one in game files) 4. its engine issue and cant be fixed b4 UE3.5 because of wrong catching files in RAM and read from drive ps. i have stutters on lowest possible and do all this staff + i got game on PCIe SSD (read/write ~3Gbps) so its not drive issue where b4 i can easly play on maxed out settings in advanced apb launcher (so above game max settings) with 80-100 fps now i stays at 101 but with strange jumps below 20 fps
  17. i play agressive is that mean im wallhacking ? i think i have enough information to attack if i dont have i just walk sometimes u can almost 80-90% predict where someone is and if u have nice time to react (ttr) you can suprise enemy who thinks he suprises you always cover behind things it could tell u if simeone aimboting at u xD he will hit that thing instead of u - like post boxes/ front area of car or lamps xD (i love to see then someone is almost enrage because he shoots 30 shoots with his pure aimbot ntec and he cant kills me because all bullets are stopped because or collision xD)
  18. Macro/AHK - lags shoots its shoot at ur perspective but not shoot at enemy (packet lossing by seerver, lathency etc.) preffer to use lathency devided by 2 intervals to get almost perfect shoots but hand is always better APB Configs ... eh i use Flaws not entire one just abit of it and its gives huge advantage if u hear footspeps ant others like that (not using it now too obvious sometimes looks like radar hack) this lags its drops enemy fps and lathency to yours without even showing him so he have lag stutters from connections and others - i predict it use vivoxvoiceservice because its not secure enough (preffer to delete it from process or change file to empty) there was 2 options on this shot cheat which one everyone showing screenshots (in tab settings?) to FPS lag and Lathency lag or something similar to this eh game still has some strange stutters and with some enemies i achive devided by 2 fps or increased lathency just like, that because why not ...
  19. its not that hard to detect some ppl are suspicious (propably cheats) i will give some points on which you should look to detect this behaviours (but after i post it it will be even harder to detect them because they will hardly try to not do such things) 1. Lowrank player with no movement skills (he dont know how to cover how to jump like monkey etc.) BUT he has godly accuracy in like 90%+ 2. wallhacking its almost impossible to detect in play but in review your gameplay u can see more things like: you not shoot even once and enemy have no sight on you so he cant see you but he snaps and shoots at you or he knows where u are without seeing you(its hard and require long time of playing and knowing almost all technics of gameplay to avoid being spotted easly) always check radar (can be seen as wallhack because you shoot once from your weapon and enemy see where u are and he will know from what direction you will come respawns are totally predictible (depends on last enemy standing (at 80% respawns on team mate backs) 3. macro players - detecting by checking if player have some delayed shoots between full auto from rifles (click weapons) (ps. wrong configured macro) most players uses 1ms delay in macro to 30ms delays (sometimes longer delays to make ~100% accurate cr5 at 100m [by draging weapon down and shooting in perfect delays] - its waste of time to detect it ... if u have more than 80fps then u dont need macro to play with u can click almost same as macro 4. speed hacks are obvious to detect i dont know why i put it there... 5. lag switching - died by 3 shoots if weapon needs 5-6 (but it still can be server side issue) 6. max rank aimboting detection he gets almost 90% shoots landed all the time (in 3-5 missions) - best option is to record this gameplay and then review the video to check if this player is really 90%+ accurate or its just your thoughts PS. there is no system about showing how much player plays on this account or this character only after inspecting which isnt that easy to check after mission PS 2. if u see player with more than 30:00:00 time in district and more than 30k kills then hes propably legit / but it depends on his roles if u see he have assault role maxed aout and he plays ntec then hes ok if he plays shotgun with pointman on lvl 1 and hes 100% accurate then something is wrong
  20. OLD CEO's tells that its ho hard (complicated) to implement this feature into the game it needs to change alot of variables (i dont know the build of game database but i assume that first developers made some shit idea about milti records depends on genders in tables etc.) it will be good to have a chance to change gender for like 500g1c
  21. TheSxW

    AHK kick from Battleye

    as friend mension above could be something in registry same as in 4-6 places in temp files or some uncommon ahk files are in drive, something could always be running in background, some services etc. HiJackThisprogram. Use this to get rid of everything
  22. Hello i see not what BEservice turning off afterburner and its possibility to record gameplay you cant use afterburner anymore ... PLZ FIX
  23. CR5 and one VAS xD jsut try it or it was cheater i was play against ?
  24. hmmm and u say u dont achive lags i thinking why .... ( hmmmm ....??? ) hmmmm im wonder why .... im talking about some setups like 4-8 core 3.5GHz + some GPU similar to R9 270X dualX (4GB) + RAM 16GB 2400MHz and SSD drive (could be on PCIE) this game is still broken for performance and stable play (after they include BE it become more laggy) like i tell somewhere 1-5 seconds spikes to 1-20 fps depends on magic happens sometimes game just want to run at 50 fps no matter what ... (all caps turned off normally it runs at 100 fps ...)
  25. 1. destroys balance of shotguns throw ntecs im more deep unbalanced shet + others (like some LMG missery etc.) all unbalances as fuck 2. changing anticheat from not working properly (in ratio 10 to 1 [10 bans 1 innocent]) to anticheat that any cheater bypass without any effort 3. performance changes ... rly u tell this is performance ? making game unstable for amd users (dont know about intel nvidia because i dont use it anymore) large 1-5 seconds spikes from 100fps to 10-20fps game kicking players servers dying slowly each week but still so much to do: crosshair scaling UI scalling is broken need to be responsive stays at 1 ressolution and increased size on bigger ressolutions weapons ballance part 2,3,4,5,6, ... mods shit ballance ... (IR3 is overpower now ...) weapons glitching with IR3 especially ntecs family (cr5 have a huge bug) temptress fix (its broken now ? because of IR3) reworking missions - times - what to do - short/long mission - times to do point (now is total random - or depending on dificulty lvl given from contact car physics and hitbox (jumping and car dmg to characters Still cars bot now car surfing team killing or suicide threat system matchmaking system (bound with thread system) granade rework (i want ... i demand old concusion granade!!!) - granades are glitched not do expected dmg to things (like cars, characters etc.) - sometimes do no dmg even if it explode on car or on character ... ghost shoots everywhere shotgun shells delay in 0.5 sec from shoot to reach target granade launcher too high radius (i mean opgl and yes radius 10m to dead in i granade is too high as i think) granades droping through floor (bound to physics) as i think they cant fix all that staff now because why they should fix it if they release 3.5 with all that things fixed ... and then release 4.0 witheven more things fixed this could be ok for me i can wait (still) i only demand performance fix (that lag spikes - only this) i dont need any new content any ballance for now. If u working hard on 3.5 UE porting then i could accept this and wait in patience untill release
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