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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I would say joker boxes because I have pretty much nothing left to buy on ARMAS but I wouldn't even buy then even with free money. So, probably just do gifts to others but can't even do that. I guess just wait for a sale and spend 200$ of premium cause why the fuck not? Or what random trash there is left on ARMAS to buy that I don't even want. Upgrade character guns to account wide. Shrug?
  2. Well yeah. It has to be for safety reasons. That's what the suit is for.
  3. Get to places quicker in dense city. Cheaper. Can rent out parking spot for extra money. Extra free time when on the train/bus. Etc. (Something something gay about saving the environment)
  4. Na. Just make it so all 5 items are spawned randomly around at once. Solves the issues and still keeps the mission unique/dynamic. Or like 3 then 2.
  5. Don't worry guys. I was just acting stupid.
  6. This would be a lifesaver for me. I'm locked in to only being able to use an outfit or two because of my tattoos being optimized for those exact outfits. Though I don't think the backend system is set up in a way that it would easily allow this.
  7. Not sure why they didn't just automate this. Though if I had to guess it is because ARMAS is as spaghetti as the game is.
  8. N-TEC is easier to pick up and play but harder to master. Obeya takes more getting used to but the skill level of it caps out lower.
  9. Just pitch shift the voices of the other contacts, no one will ever notice.
  10. I don't know why they never did this in the first place to be honest.
  11. Be silver player Not very good at game but still okay Not good enough to play against golds Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Hit gold in bronze district move to silver district lose against golds hit silver move to bronze district Repeat
  12. APB didn't cost 100million. That 100million was for RTW over a combined number of projects. They had roughly 3 projects running at the same time as APB. People always conflate the two together.
  13. It doesn't really do much, no more than any other semi- related action. Most of these kills he could have just finished completely with the .45 or just two scout shots and been in a better position. It's like saying "i want to learn the skill to switch to my secondary when my primary is out of ammo to finish people off." or "I want to learn to switch to my cqc secondary when someone comes close to my long range primary."
  14. That's more an issue with steam. Just end the process for apb and steam in task manager then restart.
  15. I use public transport or UBER.
  16. Because mods on every single forum/board are always bundles of sticks. Delete this post. Something something about how the people that volunteer for mod positions are generally the people you don't want modding anyway.
  17. How is this something even worth bitching about
  18. I can't see anything with all this pixel artifacts and constant speed ups. It's just a pixelated blur.
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