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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. 'Hang on bro, lemme just crouch with my whisper to get that extra accuracy to hit this guy at 50m'
  2. I swear I get the worst RNG. My PMG is broken and hardly gets longer ranged kills. I even have the bolt, so it should be OP.
  3. Cmon Retardium. You're better than that. We both know the accuracy prevents it from getting min ttk kills at 40m.
  4. The bolt is pay to win because it looks nicer than the standard PMG, therefore you play better with it.
  5. Have you tried growing a thicker skin?
  6. NotZombieBiscuit


    How do you make your rice What grain What technique What ratio of water to rice Do you add anything else
  7. Na. Leave it as an old antique thing for only those that bought the retail packs.
  8. Or. Buff the other mid range ARs so that players actually have a choice instead of removing the only free and useable mid range AR. Plus jumpshotting isn't really an issue. In the majority of circumstances is a disadvantage to do and would have been faster to just shoot the person normally. Jumpshotting has some minor niche benefits but is mainly for styling.
  9. Beacon was the worst map of them all.
  10. If you're only playing APB for social district then you should be playing SL instead, and why would someone even play APB just for social district in the first place.
  11. FFA R&D is an Obir reskin. FAR isn't even close to broken.
  12. Member when there was no limit of 4 dumptrucks, they accelerated faster, and would actually explode you instead of pushing.
  13. And what does this add to the core gameplay?
  14. Grief players get ban CAN"T BAN FOR NO REASON??!?!?!
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