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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Might as well just randomly generate your loadout at that point.
  2. Because the SBSR is a waste of server space.
  3. Just ini edit it or whatever.
  4. I am very agreeable, if not a little abrasive.
  5. Well.... you could still be Chinese. There are a lot here. Also remember when Cookypuss got an FFban and tried to lie about the reason. :^)
  6. Member when LastFM integration actually worked? I member.
  7. Yukon never got nerfed. It was bugged since release and despite that it was not touched by G1 for the 2 years after. It wasn't until randomly I told a LO dev that it was finally fixed practically instantly. Also the shredder is better than it used to be, it was even almost OP at one point during the shotgun changes/testing. Sure it isn't a 'top tier' gun but it is certainly better than it was in the prior state. Try again.
  8. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  9. Goodbye APB aesthetic. /wave I swear I am like the only person that actually plays at 4k.
  10. I think it to be like that however it can also not be like that. If just a few players not be like that it could make everything not be like. Then who knows where society can go with everyone not being like that. There was this time in my life where I was like that but realised I should not be like that and be made a great impact. If maybe we could all just do.
  11. Member white masks Member galaxy Member gucci/LV etc etc etc etc
  12. Already outdated and needs an upgrade starting early 2020. i7 4790k 980 ti x2 32gb ram all ssds overclocked water cooling
  13. Yeah I still don't understand. This aint english, whatever he is speaking.
  14. All the good designers left or don't care anymore. Plus there really isn't any reason to.
  15. Judging by how often this thread gets made and they are still told every time, probably never.
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