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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. That wasn't even a joke. You should be disabling/uninstalling Vivox in every game it comes with, not just APB. Especially with APB since you broadcast proximity chat.
  2. Sorry, I was asleep. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  3. Bang for you buck is balanced out by the fact that it is a vehicle drop location.
  4. Rank is not an indicator of skill.
  5. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile. Next Anti-Cheat to be added will be VAC.
  6. Turns out CookyPuss thinks everyone is a cheater so even if they do run in to a cheater you can't really trust them with how much they have cried wolf in the past.
  7. Yup same. Had them always disabled, will only ever very rarely have this issue. Maybe once a month.
  8. Legit triggers me when you ask people what CPU they have and they just say 'i5/i7'. Like cmon.
  9. As for an old town district this actually already exists within San Paro and was planned during RTW as based on concept art. It was heavily 'mexicanish/spanish' inspired due to part of the culture of San Paro.
  10. Bought everything in armas. Max rank 255. Still use freebie, lower than 195 stuff. The exception would be 4 slot vehicle I guess. Wack.
  11. I'm just gonna assume this thread is really really bad troll bait. Even if it is not, I choose to remain ignorant.
  12. Yup. Easy estimate. Even games that only peak around 100 players still rotate through a thousand or two of what can be considered active players. So it really isn't hard to say that APB with 1000 peak likely has a few tens of thousand 'active' players.
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