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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Leaving clan X to join clan Y, then leaving clan Y to rejoin Clan X.
  2. Huh? I think I only rejoined LAW once? If anything SOV was always the clan I kept rejoining.
  3. I am still salty they change the carbine to sound like garbage can lids banging together and the PMG to a stapler gun.
  4. You expect actual serious responses in a thread that was sarcastic from the first place? But, whatever. I'll give you my actual opinion. I don't really care that much for what anti-cheat they use as it all comes out to roughly the same. People will continue to complain that whatever anti cheat is used is not working and that APB is infested with cheaters when it really isn't. APB has no more cheaters than any other random free to play shooter and any anti-cheat will only go so far.
  5. I never said that it didn't have advantages. The key phrase that I said was OVERALL it is a disadvantage. Fire rate macros only give the lowest skilled players any sort of advantage in the short term which will stunt any player growth from learning in the long term and becoming naturally better than said macro. For the majority of players it is a disadvantage to use them.
  6. I know right. How do people not notice that dam foregrip next to the curved mag first.
  7. Obviously we need to replace EAC with VAC. Then when VAC does not do anything we can try Punkbuster again maybe.
  8. There are some vehicles on the login screen.
  9. People still complaining about threat and matchmaking system while not even understanding the system. What a surprise /s. Learn how the actual threat system functions and then maybe you'll be worth listening to. If you wish and request, I can type it out for you for the billionth time.
  10. I find it quite disappointing that Little Orbit seems they have decided to continue down the path of carrying on with Joker Mystery Boxes (which are just shitty loot boxes). This comes even after Matt had stated that they would look at such content closer due to the changing climate around loot boxes and even more specifically the legislation changes in places like Belgium. But oh well. Get that wallet out and get gambling.
  11. Thank you for listening. Yeah, seems its more of an Australian thing. Which I find kinda weird cause it's not really an Australian thing, if that makes sense?
  12. You just proved my point. If you have normal shooting on LMB and have learned the proper timings and knowledge of the weapon you are going to play far better than a series of macros set to different timings on a number of different keys. Learning this technique/mechanic, which is quite simple if we are being honest, allows you to dynamically shift and scale far easier to situations than a series of gears like macros will.
  13. Okay guys. I messed up. I am very sorry. We obviously need VAC Anti Cheat first. Then we can go back to Punkbuster after that.
  14. "APB is infested with cheaters so obviously Punkbuster isn't working. WE NEED FAIRFIGHT!" "APB is infested with cheaters so obviously Fairfight isn't working. WE NEED BATTLEEYE!" "APB is infested with cheaters so obviously Battle Eye isn't working. WE NEED EASY ANTI CHEAT!" APB is still infested with cheaters so obviously Easy Anti Cheat isn't working. WE NEED TO GO BACK TO PUNKBUSTER AGAIN!
  15. Too lazy to quote reply so here is just fat reply: Why using a macro for fire rate on weapons, such as the carbine, is a bad idea: - You are locked in to a one gear fire rate. One speed. - You are unable to adjust your fire rate for certain situations. - Your macro is affected by your ping. - Pings can change and will fuck with your macro timing. - It is not hard to reach the perfect fire rate with carbine and keep it. Just learn the timing. - Ghost shot easier (Not as much as an easier as it used to be). - Over all, just like scroll wheel firing, fire rate macros are a disadvantage. Those who think a macro is helping anyone other than the lowest bottom feeders are delusional. If you are complaining about losing to a macro it is you who needs to 'git gud' because the person you are playing against surely isn't.
  16. Other games that have EAC allow certain files to be edited. Look at Dirty Bomb for example. Can still make your own completely custom ini file and UI/HUD file.
  17. People still thinking fire rate macros give an advantage. lmao
  18. I'm gonna be honest. Whatever system/technique you guys are using to take media pictures of those skins/weapons looks really tacky. Just something to work on. Also: "It will be Little Orbit's first ground-up weapon design to be added to APB and we are thrilled about it. " Wasn't the N-TEC compact pretty much already made by G1 except stats?
  19. Don't worry guys. You'll get to complain about EAC not working and whine for something else soon. Memes becoming reality.
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