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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. My APB dreams are usually pretty normal. Just generic APB gameplay with a few new stuff. Things like a new map or items or whatever. The last dream was in this docks/industry area with access to a lot of the roofing. The item was some stupid little box about the size of the medium ammo box but it was some EMP bullshoot thing.
  2. I fuckin love ginger beer. Not my fav drink, but it is certainly close.
  3. Nice google images stupid.
  4. I want to love the Hoenir, or whatever the blue mod one is, so badly but my god does it suck.
  5. A few of the top of my head. Don't use a blank expression. Have their natural face at least moving towards some kind of expression, such as resting fuzzy bunny face. Less is more but not in the way of doing less, but in the way of more subtle features will add up to something greater. Be unique and have character in your look. A unique ugly looking face that has character to it is going to be better than a bland run of the mill pretty face. It is an iterative process that should be done in revision like stages over time if you want to really polish and perfect something. Learn the tricks of the creation systems like the back of your hand. Don't throw away things like wrinkles, age marks, freckles, spots, etc just because your character is young. On low opacity they can age a huge amount of texture to your skin and still look young. (People saying to turn those details to 0 are wrong and will make you look flat like 95% of the population) Flaws and imperfections add details and a story to your character. 90% of the APB population all look the same so if you can at least attempt some of these, even if you are still perfecting them, you can set yourself apart from most.
  6. Funny joke. We know they silence and temp ban people for doing nothing too.
  7. I haven't played APB in like months now but I keep having reoccurring dreams of playing APB. What do I do?
  8. I wonder what will come first. Isock making a good thread or the death of APB.
  9. Photography is a waste of time. Why would someone put all that creative effort in to a picture that people are just gonna look at. I'm sure if every photographer in the world teamed up they could so something big.
  10. Meet me at the Maccas Bathroom. Password is boogaloo. Ill get you the premium.
  11. Yes. Launch a major game update with all its bugs to kill the game. What a great idea.
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