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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Doesn't help that like 75% of that animation you are invulnerable.
  2. Yeah that's the issue it would cause and I really don't know how to solve that. In most cases you just enter the vehicle from the passenger side instead but in some rare cases it would completely lock the vehicle from use. Maybe if both sides are blocked it teleports? MOD: Stop approving my posts so quickly. Give it some fuckin time.
  3. Oh another thing: As much as I love abusing this, the instant teleport in to cars if the side is blocked really should get changed.
  4. I am pretty happy with the overall balance and feeling between on foot/vehicle gameplay. Only things I would change is try to fix that stupid desync bug and maybe make people more vulnerable during enter/exit animations.
  5. No. But there is no other game like it, so kinda stuck here. And the game has more than 600 peak. EU hits 800 sometimes but is usually a 700 peak. NA peaks at 300. RUS peaks at 150. And HAN peaks at 0.
  6. Best way not to get scammed. Just don't get scammed. 5head Also you're kinda dumb for not just falling for that but being so willing to gamble that way.
  7. Honestly, mob sling used to be better on it when people played it with HS3, IR3, MS and makrsmanned. This was around when it first came out. It has ridiculous move speed while zoomed. But then the meta moved more towards hip firing it, so of course tagger or 3ps became the hip cool thing. Also if you think a single weapon slot is enough to make something p2w you're just bad at APB. Especially on an OSCAR when the gun is only requiring 2 mods, usually even only 1 is needed, being IR3. To be honest, once you get better at the game the difference between 0-3 slots on a lot of guns inst even dictating the outcome of things much either. Most vets still just run stock carbines, or a single mod or two, etc rather than full kit. Fuck, even dropping to CA2 back in the day was an okay move.
  8. I can use my Australian Visa fine. Shrug
  9. How have you not heard that for the past 8 years since they changed it?
  10. Less standing Less money dollars Win streaks In general is a factor to show that you are playing better Many people enjoy being competitive and the will to win Bonus to score so that your sick theme will play as MVP Can feel nice beating certain nerds
  11. I wish the STAC wasn't such a giant oversized model otherwise I'd use that cause I prefer the sound and look. Until then I'm sticking with stock trash can lids.
  12. People still thinking it was a Yukon nerf. Oh boy.
  13. If you're losing oscar fights cause you don't have tagger I don't think it is the extra slot you're missing out on that is losing it for you. But what do I know. I'm pay 2 win cause I have a 3 slot oscar.
  14. Cause isn't that a preset with locked mods that you get at higher rank or somethin. Don't quote me.
  15. There is nothing in the ToS that says you are not allowed multiple accounts. Multiple Forum accounts is not allowed however.
  16. Something tells me he wouldn't want to come back.
  17. I like waterfront more that financial. Change my mind.
  18. You should have extended that 2 days to forever. Would have saved you.
  19. Might be best to actually wait until PS5 is officially a thing.
  20. He is not saying that Lootboxes and season passes are one in the same. He is saying they are both disgusting business practices that target consumers in different ways. One aiming for the gambling aspect and the other capitalizing of the fear of missing out.
  21. Don't worry. APB won't die from RIOT. It'll get closer but it won't die until Engine Upgrade kicks in.
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