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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. 2 hours? You're a little impatient.
  2. Dislikes don't mean that it isn't the truth. People can disagree with the truth, usually when it hurts. Hard having zero game sense but 100% aim. Means you're still useless.
  3. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile. (Your downvotes do not affect reputation btw)
  4. My suspension of disbelief says no.
  5. I can rest easy for once. Thank you @Mitne
  6. Due to the geographical location of San Paro there is no possibility of snow.
  7. Why would you even want to play APB on the switch.
  8. I always wondered how long it would take for the community to begin turning on LO. I remember posting about it way back when LO first acquired the game. Around the 6 month mark is when it began to become more noticeable and more lately it has become a far more vocal opinion. Guess I was right yet again. I shall now say 'I told you so' so that I may feel better about myself. I TOLD YOU SO
  9. I don't know what to do with this thread.
  10. The population is already so low and people want BRs and RUS locked to regions.
  11. Depends on the circumstance. Sometimes you need to get glances of red names when the model isn't visible. Sometimes you need to look for the shadow that is being cast. Sometimes you will notice the model motion before anything else. Sometimes you just need to take any movement you can get.
  12. Hopeful: New content like a vehicle or RIOT mode or something. Expecting: Shitting on lore.
  13. LTL is not mean to be as competitive. The downsides are offset by more money/standing/role and adding a huge amount of time to a players respawn timer when arrested.
  14. What is a classic version of the IO growl?
  15. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  16. He is getting old. The knees aren't holding up as well as they used to. That's why he doesn't move anymore.
  17. I'll sell you my armored warfare account. It has like 90 plat loot boxes on it sitting there and something like 1 mill free xp. I can't play anymore cause servers are only in EU.
  18. It is just RNG now. Should honestly be reverted to how it was before.
  19. Don't do it. Aero just wants to look at your bulges.
  20. Reset his ticket. Those dam dethreaters ruining fight club. How could they.
  21. I really hope this one delves in to degenerate cringefest like the last one did. That was great.
  22. Speak english you fuckin commie.
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