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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. The jumps between gameplay and cinematic shots are way too jarring. Also fix your settings.
  2. Glad to see Tigrix is still with his bf.
  3. How about we make it so you can only do 54% of the posts you normally do.
  4. Would actually make me use the tommy gun for the first time again in years.
  5. More work than many have his kin have done in their entire lives.
  6. Is this a joke post? First you get more G1C for your money. Then they lower the prices. Then they lower it again and you are still complaining?
  7. Weird additions that don't add anything to core gameplay and take more time to implement than they are worth.
  8. To show others that they have an item that they don't have and rub it in. Hey did you know I have the butcher skin?
  9. From this thread alone I am going to suggest you play GTA V instead of APB.
  10. You're right. It isn't a pocket obir. It is pretty much overall a better obir within the current meta.
  11. Member when 3d glasses were a rare reward item. I member.
  12. Honestly you should be adding a touch of salt to balance out the coffee anyway. You won't taste it directly but the flavor profile will become more balanced. It is just the same as adding salt to chocolate to balance things.
  13. Of which was the system that first started dethreating in the first place.
  14. What delusions are you talking about this time
  15. Well WE are still fine with the missions WE currently have.
  16. Oscar is arguably the most skill reliant gun in the game. Good players will excel with it far more than bad players when compared with something like how easy it is to pick up an OCA. I think more guns within APB she be rewarding players with that and that the oscar is perfectly fine where it is.
  17. I'm not tired of these posts. Hell, I'd like to see more of these kind of posts as there are never that many compared to the other topics people like to whine about. Maybe if you read the rest of my replies within this thread you'd see I am quite open to this discussion and didn't attack OP at any point.
  18. Upper peak as in they are the highest of the highest populations in game. I am not talking about anything to do with them other than purely their populations peaks and population maintaining. It is already rare for a game to reach a sizable population, even more rare for it to reach huge peaks as did games like WoW. On top of that it is also rare to maintain populations regardless of what peak they hit for extended periods of time. The majority of the market moves quickly.
  19. yeeting is a spontaneous act you cant stretch for that
  20. You are comparing games that are at the upper peak within their categories; These are 0.1% games you are comparing to APB which never really had much of a large following or peak playerbase to begin with. If anything it is quite impressive that APB has maintained and decent ratio of players for this many years when compared to its peak. And even when compared to other games of similar peaks, variable, etc it has done far better than its relevant competition. Sure it sucks that games fade away with time, but that is just life and the digital culture in general. The same happens for movies, music, shows, almost everything.
  21. 500 hours is pretty low in my opinion when compared to other players that are considered veterans. The thousands who left are the same people that still remain. They did not leave because of not liking the game. They left because games fade away with time. It is quite normal. Heck even I myself love APB with how it currently is but have played less and less as time goes on. Even the last few months I have played almost none.
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