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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Dunno why this was never a thing since ARMAS was introduced in the first place. Especially annoying when you own so many guns that you cap out your inventory and have to send legendaries to your alts and cannot rent guns.
  2. With contact Icons turned off I seem to only ever get this bug on Deathmaatch final stages. Just a thought.
  3. Most of my friendlist hasn't even logged in since Colby days.
  4. I see this issue with a lot of APB players and can heavily affect their gameplay when it is such an integral part of APB despite most not even realising. YOU. DO. NOT. HAVE. TO. TAKE. EVERY. FIGHT. You do not have to shoot and ultimately fight every enemy you see with the hopes to kill them. In many instances this is the worst decision possible. Let's go over a few of them so hopefully more people will learn this. Drill it in to your head: If an enemy has a weapon that counters your weapon choice. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. If an enemy has a superior position to you. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. If you are going to a new objective and killing the enemy will allow them to respawn there. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. If the enemy is unaware of you and you are actively trying to find the rest of the enemy team. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. If it is better to 'crowd control' the player rather than allow them to safely respawn. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. If the enemy team is camping and you do not have an optimal angle/approach with your team. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. If you have the item and are in a place that would make it hard to get if you die. DO NOT TAKE THE FIGHT. Now of course it is a little more nuanced than this and there will be many circumstances where you want to go against these ideals. However in the general broader sense there are a number of times where not taking the fight is the beneficial route. Some of these are if the enemy is wounded, or a friendly is with you, or you need to push something due to objective, or even drawing attention. So stop holding the W and Fire Key while running non stop at points as if it was D-Day and you have to kill every person in sight.
  5. I already ruined my own life. Try again.
  6. I was sleeping. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread, Also, weekly 'I am Ray Tay and can't play APB' thread. Add them to the pile.
  7. I only post that in threads crying about how there is a infestation of cheaters. I don't deny that there is cheaters in APB, just that it is not as wide spread as many complain.
  8. Why did you assume it had something to do with race? That is kind of a racist assumption.
  9. Flashbacks to forum account mergers where one of the accounts on the list of accounts that were supposedly mine wasn't even mine. What if I said nothing? Does that person's account just get eaten by me? Or for in game how do they distinguish between people that play from the same house, such as couples? Would be the same IP, both accounts would get switched about between the two PCs. But what if only one cheated, is it fair to punish both?
  10. Ir3 instead of cj3 if you wanna be meta. Though I use mp3 cause im autistic, so.
  11. They had to get a variation of player skill levels, including the lower end. Hope that answers your question.
  12. "Don't worry guys. It was just my brother on my account. I swear I'm innocent on this reroll."
  13. Woah. Why did you just assume it was people who live in ghettos? I never said the ethnicity directly. You just assumed it. You're the big racist here.
  14. Is it racist to point out that statistics show that a minority in America commit the majority of violent crime?
  15. Like how minority ethnicity in America owns the majority of media conglomerates? Is it really a conspiracy if it is factually true though.
  16. from the weird buff erp stuff in the past. He posts it on reddit too.
  17. Imagine being so bad at APB that you buy cheats and still remain silver; being so bad, zero game sense, and still being worse than average despite playing with 100% aimlock. Also why mods hiding posts rather than deleting them?
  18. My post was constructive. By stopping PvE threads from being made it leaves more room for better threads.
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