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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. APB did not take 100mil to create. RTW had 100+mil invested in to them over a number of years as they worked on multiple projects. One of which included APB.
  2. It was posted in multiple places such as forums and facebook.
  3. Didn't they only say it was going to be up for a month or so. Ended up being up for mooooooooooooooonths.
  4. Someone is just mad they don't have any sick bangers.
  5. Yall still bitching about the NTEC. Sick meme Skay. Got a laugh from me.
  6. Could you get my father back online next? I haven't seen him in years.
  7. Still the most retorded weapon in the game.
  8. And APB matchmaking will actually be okayish, even though the population will still be a bit low. Even if they entirely change the threat system (which they really shouldn't beside some tweaks) people will always fuzzy bunny. Glicko is a great system and like I said is used in many many many games that people never whine about the matchmaking in. Not to mention it really is not that different from your usual Elo ratings as almost every game mmr system are pretty similar with most just follow the old chess style systems that have worked forever. There is honestly no need to waste time on a threat overhaul. At most some modifying of the existing backend and maybe new graphical front end if they really want, but a full overhaul is a complete waste of time to just end up at the exact same spot.
  9. hahahaha great post fren you got us good
  10. Before everyone in this thread goes fucking stupid like threat threads always do. The colour of your threat is only a graphical indicator. Behind that is your actual MMR/Elo rating, more specifically your Glicko system rating. All previous changes to threat have been back end changes to this algorithm and front end graphical changes. Any future changes are likely to be only graphical and still keep using a modified version of the Glicko system. There is nothing wrong with this system at all. Many of the games you all play and love and boast about the matchmaking of even use this system. The main reason why you all complain about threat is because APB not only has a small population but such a small pool of players to put against you. A max of 40, of which most are in a mission meaning you usually might only have 10 to pick from. Even if LO was to completely overhaul every feature of threat to a completely new system it would have the same exact problem. TLDR: Stop bitching.
  11. I actually didn't think people could be that stupid that it honestly went right over my head.
  12. How is that any different from like or dislike.
  13. You're all wrong. RTW ruined APB before LO or G1 even got their hands on it. If anything G1 did a lot to improve the game from the terrible foundation that RTW left.
  14. So what is meant to be the issue here? I'm not seeing it.
  15. The turning Security Van is intended. NPCs even mention it in dialogue. Used to the the same with the Espacio.
  16. No? This doesn't even suit APB's current audio aesthetic nor do they have the licensee for it. Matt already stated he was looking in to the old menu theme as an alternative.
  17. I'm just going to assume this is a really good shitpost. And if you want to use the excuse that I'm just a vet that abuses it. No. I'm trash with the FBW and get slammed by people using it. The gun is legit my kryptonite.
  18. Don't forget tanks, and choppers, and bikes!
  19. I'm still trying to track down people using dig and fly hacks. I know they are out there.
  20. Don't forget tanks, and choppers, and bikes too!
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