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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Should put a giant * on that formula though. That is only the public facing formula and RTW already edited it forever ago. G1 upgraded to Glicko 2 rating system and did even further editing. So it is very likely a bit different than what is shown in actaul implementation. Though if I had to guess it is probably just graphical bracket splitting for front end and some changes to backend deviation with the 50/50 changes.
  2. Because they take up certain clothing slots.
  3. Imagine playing a game where the players are never able to learn and create dynamic gameplay improvements that increase the skill ceiling. They should add back heavy item juggling.
  4. I think we should do a baby binky next for all the people that constantly whine.
  5. But they look terrible? Also I am still not sure what the design has to do with Razor Gold.
  6. It is not average. It just takes straight up 50% upper 50% lower. TLDR: it is the same as every other game pretty much. You have a matchmaking rating number. The game tries to match combined team totals against each other as close as possible. If you are in the upper 50% score at the end of a match you gain rating based on a bunch of behind the scenes variables. Of course it is a bit more complicated than that but that is really the simple version of it.
  7. I mean, I don't wanna brag or anything but I've been smart since the day I was born.
  8. This is accurate though? Two dudes dressing up their characters slutty and make a sexual pose in social district.
  9. That's what a silver like yourself would say.
  10. I have a question: Why is it always silvers that complain? Bronze and green don't complain. And Gold never do either. Only silvers. What is up with that?
  11. It is all from closed alpha so you're not going to really going to find anything. Most public stuff is just concept pieces, animations, and models for it. I think one of the super old trailers have someone holding a sledgehammer over their shoulder too?
  12. Melee was taken out of the game a decade ago for a reason.
  13. Why would you want to be a weeb
  14. Accuracy while jumping is already trash. There is almost no reason to jumpshot when you could have just shot normally. It's only for style points.
  15. I dunno if I am feeling the Ahoy style of this video. I honestly think you could have pushed out of your comfort zone in a more unique way to you.
  16. Just coming through to say I have the CBT title. Thanks.
  17. "Oh, for fuck's sake. A dog? Her "baby" is a dog? San Paro is swarming with crime and Rosario's wasting our time with this? Deliver the mutt to our drop-off. The reward better be worth this bullshoot." Oddly enough the criminal contact thinks it is a lizard that has been stolen. So we know that the van had more than just the dog but also a bunch of other animals. Did the enforcers just leave all the other animals in there?
  18. I'm still mad that we spent like 7 stages thinking we were saving a kid that just turned about to be a dam dog.
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