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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Who thought it was a good idea to put a seasonal event skin on an RNG daily event that has a chance not to show.
  2. Well you can. It just doesn't give you any advantage. If anything it is a disadvantage.
  3. Why would I ever agree that the HVR should be one shot?
  4. Jokes on you. Pentagram was mathematically a thing before Satanism ever existed.
  5. NotZombieBiscuit


    The change is too abrupt. You need to ease it in more and wind in some hints earlier.
  6. People still thinking scroll wheel fire is an advantage. Lmao.
  7. Oh noes. The chat gets a shutdown message every minute for 15 minutes. What a disaster.
  8. I can't help but feel like there is something more going on to this, but I don't know what.
  9. I'm not sure what the fires part has to do with APB.
  10. Stop giving a shit. Seriously. That is the one single way. Just stop caring.
  11. Don't forget tanks and choppers and AC130s and a zombie district with racing mode.
  12. I dunno. If anything I have noticed the better the player the less likely they are to run with the item. Most good players just pick it up and drop it where it spawned. Average players will take it to a camp spot. And trash players will drive around with it.
  13. They should ban you for this thread. Those stats/suggestions got a good laugh out of me.
  14. God no. RTW version was trash compared to after. I know you're delusional but people won't come back for an RTW version.
  15. NotZombieBiscuit

    Halloween Title

    Demoness is a false word to begin with. Demon is already a unisex term.
  16. Progression as well as a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  17. Or the fact that 99% of games die before they reach 10 years old.
  18. Because PR2 is not always better than PR1. And when it comes to preset mods they are all terrible compared to open slots anyway.
  19. Been like this since the day they came out years ago. Are you really surprised?
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