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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. If you don't have it by now do you really deserve it?
  2. When I realised how messed up the katana was , how far apart the shotguns were, and how symmetrical the axes are.
  3. So why didn't you just use the same rigging as the knife straps? Would have been quicker and not have the weird floating/angle issues. NORMAL FLOATING ON KATANA COMPARISON Merged. bruh Who thought it was a good idea to not have a dedicated mask for the sheathe section so you have to invert from another section and even then it LOOPS/TILES the sheathe section texture.
  4. Just me or Australian's locked out of a bunch of payment methods recently on ARMAS? Even after LO took over for a while Iw as able to purchase things but now I can't. Every Paypal purchase comes back as unsuccessful. The credit card system is now not available in my country. Trying to buy a pay safe card is not allowing my payment method either (paypal/credit card). Do yall just want me to mail you cash? Will that do? Will you take physical dollary doos? EDIT: Guess only that paymentwall/faster pay merchant works now.
  5. Na. If anything we need more money sinks.
  6. Imagine announcing publicly that you are a weeb.
  7. Playing people better than you is and always will be the best way to learn.
  8. But waterfront and financial are on other sides of the city.......
  9. I feel like the time put in to these four sets could have been better spent.
  10. How come I got skipped from the 1st and got sent straight to the second.
  11. So bets on how many of the red pumpkins will be glitched so that they are invisible or make no sound, or even both.
  12. There is a difference between trying hard to win and having sweatbands on your forehead and wrists, a towel around your neck, and a kiddy pool under your desk to catch any dropping sweat.
  13. Fightclub has never given rewards on mission leaderboards? The rewards you are thinking of were when fightclub first came out, and even those were still on a weekly reward system.
  14. Why do In game GMs never stop DDOS attacks? APB Is literally the worst company ever!
  15. I'm just going to assume this is a really good meta joke.
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