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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Don't worry. I've seen him silver numerous times.
  2. Don't worry, Cookie is Silver too and is just projecting.
  3. Depends on how much you spent and if it was enough to get premium service.
  4. Old G1/RTW system. Because mathematically direct wins/losses compared to win/loss ratio is not the same. Similar to how average and upper/lower 50% are not the same mathematically. You'll gain an amount of threat based on a bunch of factors when you win such as your current threat and their current threat as well as some other factors.
  5. Has nothing to do with the ratio. Just directly wins and losses. People with the same win/loss ratio can have different threats due to the amount being gained on a win or loss is determined by your current standing and the standing of your opponent.
  6. What. No. Old threat was winners go up. Losers go down. Simple as that. It was how you could carry idiots to gold on your team.
  7. Glicko 1 to Glicko 2 Old levels to new colours Adding green bracket removing number Adjustment to bell curve etc etc etc
  8. I honestly hate these kinds of 'meme' editing. They are almost always never done well and the style certainly does not fit with APB.
  9. Literally almost every single other game with a ranking system?
  10. This is part of the money sink. It is needed to stop inflation of the economy. If anything more money sinks are needed.
  11. No, dynamic weapon prices dictated by the emerging gameplay and players is part of the economy.
  12. Welcome to every online game where they do server maintenance that does not involve client changes.
  13. It has been 90% the same since like 2008. lol.
  14. After we nerf the Ursus we might as well nerf the FAR next then. Make sure to nerf the STAR after that. Wouldn't want people playing ARs.
  15. I meant wacky as in it is not part of the 'core' function. It is a secondary/tertiary function.
  16. That is extreme outliers and has to do with some wacky variables like confidence values, etc like you previously talked about.
  17. I just told you why it does not work even at 50 people. 50 people is already such a minuscule amount of pop for the system to work with. Now remove all the people in missions already which is like 75% of the district and you're left with like 10 people for the game to match with. That is like two groups at best.
  18. APB has never had decent pop for matchmaking. It does not matter how many people are online it has always been restricted to matching you against only 40-50 other people. And of those 40ish people most of them are likely in a mission already so the choice of op has always been close to nothing.
  19. Is this an admission of exploiting? Are you sure you wish to bring this before the court?
  20. The current matchmaking system that APB has is used by numerous games that you would consider successful. Even the most perfect system on the planet won't work with low pop that APB has. The system is fine.
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