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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Don't forget to add tanks, and choppers, and bikes.
  2. How about making a map from the ground up designed and built specifically for fight club rather than bringing back terribly modified versions of mission district that don't work for FC at all.
  3. This sounds like a great way to further increase camping and turtling so that nade/explosive spam gets to the point of becoming mandatory to break defend holds.
  4. Gonna be honest. Asking the forum looks super unprofessional and if you are unsure how to go about looking for a job at LO you're maybe not right for it.
  5. As long as you can only use those legendary skins on that legendary but are free to use whatever else, seems fine to me (Medusa skin only on medusa for example).
  6. Graphically it will look better. Aesthetically it will look worse. So, kind of a downgrade.
  7. Can you stop playing victim complex? You not only have done it for years but even just made an Off-topic thread about it a week ago complaining about the consequences of your actions and now you are still going. Just stop.
  8. So? The site does not show every game BE is in.
  9. I think the term more comes from games that ran private servers and had donation incentives. Like old MMOs which had doner items. But I might be wrong.
  10. It is on the North Side of the city. Over the water from Waterfront District.
  11. Reported. Enjoy your warning for bullying.
  12. If you miss every event I think that might be a you thing and not the game thing.
  13. Reminder that Yukon hip fire rate is still bugged 22 months after release.
  14. This is next to impossible to actually implement well.
  15. No fun allowed. Team killing your friends could lead to their feelings being hurt.
  16. So you can take 90% more damage but get hit by 500% more bullets? Seems fine........
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