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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. How many times do we have to go over this? In the current state they can't. Not to mention the gameplay implications.
  2. Gotta wait a day for them to restock. Can only buy a limited number of certain cars per day.
  3. Yes. I do. If we go back like 5 years in time sure, it was more of a problem. But now? Not really, almost no one does it anymore.
  4. Instead of adding useless things, why don't we remove useless things. Like @CookiePuss or @BXNNXD ? :^)
  5. I was playing on Jericho fine apart from the random lag spike like once every 5 mins. shrug
  6. Except that it is not unless you are doing something gimmicky for a shot. Also who even makes videos for this trash game when its next to impossible with current methods?
  7. I didn't even think about that until now. If all my accounts get merged and I can log in to one forum account with any of the logins that is a lot more chances for my account to get compromised, especially when some of them are throw away emails that I cannot get access to again. And if I can't log in to this account with the merged logins can't I just make another forum account with those previous logins which defeats the entire purpose of merging forum accounts in the first place?
  8. If only we had a forum suggestions section for these kind of posts. Also just use the dislike?
  9. If APB is P2W I should have 110% win rate from how much I have spent.
  10. I'm so happy you added that :^) or I'd have to get my shitposting out.
  11. Game is fine at ultrawide, you just have the same crap vertical fov as everyone else with some extra view space on the side.
  12. Just change nitro to a different key. Fixes everything.
  13. Trainiee is not a threat level so the matchmaker just sees it as the default starting threat rating.
  14. It doesn't solve anything. It is just a burden to anyone that actually uses multiple accounts for legit reasons and anyone that doesn't will just make new accounts anyway.
  15. I've been playing fine the past 7 months except for the odd super lag here and there?
  16. Although you may have 360 hours in game it is because you are likely going up against players with thousands of hours over years. Players that know the ins and outs of every little detail.
  17. Gotta keep the forums honest, realistic, and grounded.
  18. Hard to explain without being in that position I guess.
  19. It is less about wanting multiple forum accounts and more wanting them to remain separate to 'main' a forum account and remove yourself from any issues regarding that.
  20. No I agree, it is not good. But your statement of bordering on unplayable is not accurate.
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