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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. What happened to looking at individual ARMAS items changing? I thought it was previously said that some more ridiculously priced items would get an individual adjustment as you went through the store. Don't get me wrong, a flat 20% change across the board is nice and fixes most items, but some are still quite ridiculous.
  2. The reason you have to pay to spawn your car is because it is meant to be a money sink. There to stop inflation of the in game currency.
  3. I don't think Ive ever been pigperced by a LEGIT player.
  4. Yeah. The roar is the amazing community in game and on forums.
  5. How about letting them work out ARMAS overhauled prices and adjustments first.
  6. Full of too many hipsters and people that think it is better than Sydney.
  7. I'm 90% sure he doesn't actually dethreat and just flickers between the two naturally.
  8. I have a feeling it went something like this.
  9. My god. I swear the average intelligence level of this forum gets lower everyday. So it turns out you two actually are serious. Camera switching has literally zero benefit at all on bloom or htibox. In fact it is a negative to be spam switching because it just makes it harder for you to aim and see.
  10. But the mod came out after 2010/CBT?
  11. There are a few ways. 1. Ask mum for money. 2. Get a job. 3. Go on welfare.
  12. I don't think I have even equipped Radar Jammer since I first got it years ago. A buff to more HUD elements or the ability to use it as a counter to other abilities would actually get me to use it as a staple mod consistently, especially considering certain play styles.
  13. Or even better. Start handing out warnings.
  14. It does not need to be perfect. You have a little bit of leeway in the sweet spot to get it firing consistent. Though you still do have to learn that rhythm which honestly is not that hard. Plus learning the rhythm will get you far more control over the gun than running a macro.
  15. For the billionth time. Rank does not equal skill level. It is a show of progression and time played on that singular character.
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