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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. How about we actually leave some rewards as timed/seasonal exclusives.
  2. It is not finished though. It just has placeholder stats.
  3. But it does not snow in San Paro?
  4. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  5. Because overall the teams are even. Probably something like: S10/S10/G1 vs G1/G1/S8
  6. G1 stated that genitals or explicit sexual acts are not allowed. LO stated that they are continuing with G1's policy on it. So nothing has changed since that was a thing like 6 years ago now?
  7. I'm honestly surprised you haven't put your life savings in to cybernetic arm research just so you can jerk off more people with how many handjobs I've seen you give.
  8. plays on US PvE servers anyway. Na. I'm on EU now.
  9. Yeah because those Dirty Bomb Videos are SOOOOOOOOO great. I love watching the same video for the past 3 months. They could just reupload the exact same video of Shoe each week an no one would notice. That is how uninformative and blandness those Dirty Bomb Videos are each week. Waste of time. it is honestly more insulting seeing them each week and the state of the game than no video at all.
  10. Hello. Is this cool kid clan? Can I join?
  11. Dirty Bomb currently has that in place for their boosters and its def more worth the money. As for pausing prem time that wont happen as it could be abused and LO would lose money on that. Dirty bomb removed that and now goes by overall time.
  12. Pretty decent shitpost. Not top tier or anything but a nice effort.
  13. Come on. Like half of them are still wearing starter clothes????
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