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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Not really. It all goes to the same limit.
  2. Reminder that spamming report lowers the 'importance/potency' of your report.
  3. Hmm. Maybe that is why I had to make so many accounts.
  4. Don't worry, it's not like almost every game that has an 'auction house' sends the money back to the mail or has a nice mail notification on your UI.
  5. You'll make Europeans with soft skin really sad. So no.
  6. Underpowered in a newbs hands. Strong as fuck in a skilled players hands. I would argue it is one of the most skill orientated guns in the game that is heavily dependent on the person using it rather than the gun itself.
  7. It isn't about balance or not. It is about the issue of gameplay mechanics that are detrimental to player fun.
  8. Cause you likely have too much body customisation or other accessories.
  9. Let's say you're borderline gold/silver for real (not a dethreater). You are not good enough for silver district. But slightly too good for bronze district. You play in bronze, hit gold, get forced over to silver. You play in silver, hit silver, and go back to bronze. Repeat. Sounds real fun.
  10. Second clip isn't really good evidence due to the car warp.
  11. I mean, he isn't wrong though. The guy has supposedly been around forever yet still makes some of the weirdest/newbiest posts I've seen on this board over those years. And at an oddly high ratio.
  12. they only listen to people with 1200+ POSTS that dont even play the game, they are just antisocial s*** that stay on the forum all day and night thinking theyre in power just cause they have alot of posts You'd rather they listen to players that just joined the game and don't even have a proper grasp of it yet?
  13. Can I get a TLDR on your post. Thanks.
  14. It is almost like the community is made up of multiple members that have numerous different perspectives, viewpoints, and opinions of which many contradict each other. Weird.
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