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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. You can refer to me however you want. I don't care. I never forced you to say any gender pronoun. If anything you were the one that would constantly suddenly jump to my non-requested aid when someone else did it.
  2. If you already left the Discords in your last meltdown, does that mean you'll leave the forums on this meltdown?
  3. How is a clan group any different from a normal group?
  4. Streaming with that hitbox config again are you?
  5. Oh honey. You can't say kiddo on the forums. it just does not make you look good my sweet summer child.
  6. When your posting ability becomes even worse than your ability to properly father your kids. Weird.
  8. mate das a good joke Not joking. Reporting you to the Australian Federal Police as we speak.
  9. We still have the old threat system. It is just displayed differently.
  10. Never claimed I had any to begin with. So. Takes one to know one.
  11. Except for the part where it affects you negatively and compounds your anxiety to only further worsen it. Or you are susceptible to psychosis and it is the trigger for bringing on such an episode that you did not know about. Only a chance though. Nothing to lose though at all.
  12. Who hurt you? Also it is Doujin, not Anime. At least get it right.
  13. Silvers have too much freedom on this forum to make silly threads like this.
  14. Isn't there one already in game, on a contact, and was even teased as part of one of the first ARMAS armor bundles yet never came to players?
  15. If you are actually looking for honest advice with dealing with anxiety seeking out a professional is the best option here. Be it a general therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist. A good way to go about it is to speak to your local GP/Doctor and they can likely recommended you to someone with a referral. There are many methods that can be beneficial for some but not everyone. Everyone is different and there ad numerous different kinds of anxiety. A professional can help find what is best for you, if that is working, and modify along the way. My advice is do not go with CBD. If you are prone to things such as psychosis, even without knowing, there is a risk there. CBD likely can even make your position worse. And even in general going through something as CBD to try and help rather than a professional is quite irresponsible for your personal mental health.
  16. Is 1024x768 or 1280x720 not low enough already?
  17. feels nice until you realize you gave up a new car to get some pixels for as long as this game lasts feels nice knowing that I will never have to spend money on a car and other expenses that come with it cause you just get other's to drive you or use public transport so you can waste all the money you save on a shitty game for loyalty rewards.
  18. Feels nice when they add new loyalty guns and you don't even need to spend any more money to get them. Subtle brag.
  19. What area did they remove, besides the obvious camp spots that really did need removing for the better?
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