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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Daily 'I am Silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  2. But that isn't a bug. It was actually intended by RTW. Espacio used to pull left too.
  3. This is a great riddle. Gonna keep me up all night trying to solve them.
  4. Lagswitching without being the host of the game. LUL. What a nice joke.
  5. how about you represent yourself leaving me alone Can I represent you then? You know I'd fuck up any argument against your case with some seriously complex shitposting that has zero comeback potential against it. I got you. I'll be your Atticus Finch :^).
  6. Its okay man. Someone beat you. Happens to all of us. Doesn't mean they were cheating though.
  7. we’re back in business This is like the fifth one. You're kinda slow my dood.
  8. Daily 'I am Silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  9. Or still have placeholder stats and require a lot of work to get them up to snuff.
  10. Na. Pretty sure that is a thing by them just for Counter Strike. EAC is still the major wide spread anti cheat they have.
  11. Use single-ply and complain about that then. Na. Even if I was homeless I wouldn't buy single ply.
  12. Not every game is on there. Not hard to realise.
  13. 32 AU/NZ Players tyvm. We've grown by 2 in 3 years. Mate. 33 now, I'm here.
  14. That is because they did a threat placement adjustment upon the bell curve. So some people moved about before normalizing soon after. @Skillzor
  15. This is on EU actually. And I would but I gotta do Fin contacts.
  16. It is so nice having GMs take up additional District slots so it is even harder to get in to a full district.
  17. I'd rather they despawn your vehicle and kick you back to the pick a contact spawn point to avoid any issues for both yourself and other players.
  18. I think even random words would be an achievement here.
  19. How will District chat be affected by this? One of the biggest parts of APB is the community and district chat is a huge part of that. I would not want to see that portion of the game fragmented due to how it works with phasing (Phasing was one of the biggest killers for WoW's sense of community). Would chat then be MAP wide across all phasing or just the INSTANCE that you are in? If it is just that instance it is quite obvious the issues that would come along with that and the heavy hit it would cause to seamless community.
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