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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Cause im too lazy to type my own post so copying this.
  2. Honestly no one even buys them. Its usually the PSR or the Cr5 I have a perm 3 slot HVR and perm 3 slot N-TEC from armas. <.< >.>
  3. As if getting crowd controlled for like 20 seconds wasn't enough. Now you actually get to hobble to your corner to hide. Soon we will be asking for diminishing returns on crowd control stagger effects.
  4. Cause 3ps3 is nice on stuff to get my weapon back up faster after nades/climbing/kicking. /shrug
  5. Because people are realizing that people don't like them due to their previous personal actions so they then have to go play victim complex in the hopes of over turning that public opinion. It is the same thing in all these recent threads.
  6. But why? Do you just want the entire game to be able to be bought on ARMAS and leave zero actual progression?
  7. But what about when google turns in to skynet? Won't that stop me from playing APB due to authentication issues.
  8. Its not lag compensation. The hitboxes are just big cylinders.
  9. If only we had a thread for this already.
  10. Another person making excuses when the APB population finds out that they are actually a butthole and not just faking it.
  11. do i look like a fuckin charity Yes. You do. Send me themes on EU please.
  12. Just because something is used a lot does not make it OP. Even if the NTEC got nerfed in to the ground it would still be used a lot due to versatility. The problem arises not because the NTEC is OP, but because none of the other ARs in its typing are as accessible AND up to the same standard. Thus buffs should be looked at for the other guns rather than a nerf to a balanced gun that wouldn't even solve the issue of mid range ARs being all around in a meh place.
  13. Who is that pretty character. Wish my character looked that good. :^) Note: I play at 4k for video benefits despite it being a straight up disadvantage for gameplay. The UI is so small for me at 4k that I have to move my entire head to look at stuff and can even cover my minimap with my thumb. Though this does provide the ability to easily crop it out in post production of videos for a higher quality look. For normal play this can be fixed by just changing the UI scale to 1 which also makes the crosshair accurate regardless of resolution. Preferably I would not want the game to force a 1:1 UI scale on me as I think aesthetically this looks bad and would ruin video creation. A better solution would be decoupling crosshair scale from UI scale so that UI scale affects only the HUD portions. Then a proper crosshair customization be implemented so that the two can be changed independent of one another. This would allow benefits for numerous groups of players.
  14. Sure you didn't read it wrong and add a 1 at the front?
  15. Name and shame. Plus no one to blame but yourself.
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