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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. You don't wanna run cj without rs. You're gonna hit nothing. I have a silverado and a SD-NFCP3. If I could refund my Silverado I would.
  2. Why would you ever buy the silverado when the OCA-SD NFCP 3 exists? It is the same gun but with open slots.
  3. Matters a lot when the context and reply is only accurate when regarding the post it was aimed at.
  4. I wasn't even talking/replying to you in that post.
  5. BE likely stops the game from even running with it. Not sure though.
  6. Emails. Paypal account. Credit Card statements. Financial managements. Not hard to find that stuff.
  7. How dare support request me to prove that the account in question is mine so that it won't get stolen by someone else randomly!
  8. If you're losing to LTL you'd lose even harder to lethal.
  9. Alternative materials that mimic real life gun materials. Personalisation styled skins (such as engraving kill counts in to the skin as just an example). Skins based around in game characters, factions, lore; since you seem to like 'fancy' skins a 'fancy' Effigy styled skin would fit in to this. How about using your half a brain. Also nice job getting butthurt super quick and downvoting me with the remainder of your reactions when it doesn't do anything.
  10. OTW does not require premium anymore.
  11. Different aesthetic style of clubbing is the reason for this.
  12. But what if i want to read back on that one general protection fault I had at 11:36 on March 18th, 2016?
  13. Thought some of you might find insight in this recent event regarding Steam's API and leaks that allowed estimates on total player counts for games based around achievement completions. A good article on the subject here. This estimation puts APB at the 39th largest player count with 5,874,946 players. Of course this has a few issues that go beyond just estimations and likely miss some games or other variables that can put numbers way off, but is interesting to see anyway. Note this is also only just steam and would not include those who played the game through the launcher itself.
  14. I'm ready for people who were previously punished for having bad aim to now two shot me anyway.
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