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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Be realistic. Not at any fault to LO but no they have not.
  2. Been playing at 180-220ms from Sydney for 8 years just fine. Shrug
  3. Except they got a nice shiny badge. I don't see any crims with that.
  4. The jokes is pretty boring now. Its been overdone.
  5. How many times does this thread need to be created.
  6. Let me put it this way. Low config settings give enough of an advantage that if I was not recording video on APB at 4k/Max settings I would instantly drop down to potato config despite not having a toaster for a PC. Though despite this I wouldn't want to see the freedom to adjust the game and configs taken away.
  7. I understand you.
  8. NotZombieBiscuit


    Hello. Can I be a GM?
  9. Oh I'm sorry. I thought this was America.
  10. Please remove the ability to cancel reloading by switching weapons. I think it is unfair for good players to be able to learn this simple skill based mechanic and the game should punish people for committing to a reload in this fast paced shooter.
  11. Only if we get butt and thigh sliders too.
  12. Actually surprised this never made a return already.
  13. Posting a fightclub scoreboard that doesn't include any multi kills, and has car kills, and remote det. Ooof.
  14. I'm just waiting for the list of my accounts that will obviously be missing a few and likely even include accounts that are not mine. Or something to go wrong with the merge.
  15. I'm gonna go ahead and guess no. Especially considering the state of their game knowledge implying a lack of playing the game.
  16. Changing your name does not change the way you type by the way.
  17. I never started the discussion of whether to nerf the carbine with you. I never carried it on when you started it with me. I never replied to it when you shoehorned it in to responses that had nothing to do with it. I was having a conversation about the term 'Carbine Hero' and the gun's use regardless of whether it is OP, decent, or complete trash. You're the one who imparted what you are now trying to assume I am evading.
  18. I'm not having that particular discussion with you. Go have it with @BXNNXD like you already are.
  19. I'm going to assume you didn't even read my previous reply where I said it was still a strong weapon, just not as crazy as it used to be.
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