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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Since I've payed more than both of you I think that gives me the superiority.
  2. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Start the new pile and add it to the pile.
  3. Most of the players unbanned are not hacking again and any that are will just get banned again in time anyway. I think the pile should come back
  4. Unfortunately it is hard to document it without blanket documenting everything someone posts as a lot of this content is stuff you really wouldn't think would be deleted. Thus you wouldn't think to document it either.
  5. No, it is my job to say HMM. Uube knows. It is your job to ask if its a montage
  6. How about fixing the hip fire rate bug first?
  7. Also don't forget that some people's member titles have been removed while other's have not for some reason. And also lack of consistency with some forum warnings (Some giving proper explanations/what post/why. Other's giving generic reason and no information at all). Also the post count manipulation. Also the mods breaking the rules indirectly (Mods approving triple/quad/penta back to back posts or posts that are approved then later removed).
  8. I would guess dev by the member title. But what do i know?
  9. As of lately I have noticed something among the moderation team that is becoming increasingly more common. More and more posts and threads that really don't break the forum rules have been getting removed. Now I am probably the last person on these forums that people care about when it comes to someone talking about the more 'political' nature of the content upon the forums. However I thought it was something worth bringing up anyway as it is not just something happening to me (as expected) but a number of other more abiding forum community members. Most of this content deleted only barely touches in to what could be considered negative with some of it even being neutral more than anything (With most of these posts even receiving far more likes than dislikes). As of late it seems as though anything that is not strictly a positive reaction is up for consideration of deletion. Are the forums not here to be a board for meaningful discussion whether that be negative, neutral , or positive? I agree posts that are vastly on the side of negative with no construction to the ongoing conversation should be looked at and decided upon whether they should be removed or not, but this current trend of moderation seems to be infringing in a little to strictly. We all remember what the previous forum was like when it came to such things as mass lock and a complete disregard for any discussion that did not strictly sit within some elevated rule set that only the moderators knew from day to day in their minds alone. The current trend is a slippery slope in going back to such a thing. What reason is there to remove non-positive opinions when it comes to discussions? EDIT: Also don't forget that some people's member titles have been removed while other's have not for some reason. And also lack of consistency with some forum warnings (Some giving proper explanations/what post/why. Other's giving generic reason and no information at all). Also the post count manipulation. Also the mods breaking the rules indirectly (Mods approving triple/quad/penta back to back posts or posts that are approved then later removed).
  10. If this is Jericho/NA I'm 90% sure that name is taken by an old vet and really doesn't deserve to have his name taken away if that is the case. Name wipes should really have sort of some guidelines around it rather than a flat 'any inactive characters'.
  11. Couldn't even make it through the first episode when it came out.
  12. Could trying to not kill myself be considered a job?
  13. If only we had a thread for these kind of creations. Almost like a....character customization showcase.
  14. Nothing is wrong here. APB is the old APB game APB:R is the new APB game. At least that is how youtube handles it. Plus I think it is funny putting the old APB as the game for vids.
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