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Everything posted by Snubnose

  1. I love the gun just for the look... when I was playing battlefield 2 as a kiddo I loved to play the MEC anti-tank class for this weapon. I really hope they'll buff all the underdogs after they're done with the engine update.
  2. what exactly do you mean by how many gold activities? that's only possible through ARMAS, so real money. although there is one that you can unlock with birth (very late contact), but that one is preset so you won't be able to customize / mod it.
  3. this and stretched, butchered graphics for every single frame possible even though they're playing on NASA computers - combined with some localization files edit for EZ mission descriptions :^)
  4. while on the topic of unused gun models, gimme those scoped shotguns! or any of those other alternative models... like the modified carbine: or the 100% better looking OCA whisper model:
  5. because a lot of weapons are being implemented into the joker store as permanent free to play option, and with that, their icon colours shifted to white. (I guess every gun except legendaries will be white at some point?) what exactly do you mean? I buy the snubnose every few days 3 times in a row without any cooldown... I guess I'm missing something? mobile radar has been disabled because it's been bugged for ages now and they haven't found a fix yet. they didn't want to waste more ressources trying to fix the mod so they deactivated it and we'll probably have it working with the engine update. (which should be done this summer) no, no fire here... keep moving on... nothing to see here *furiously searching for a fire-extinguisher*
  6. this is great, THANK YOU! fixed that for you :^)
  7. nah the main reason it could use a buff is that the OBIR gets picked over it because it is better in some (important) ways. OBIR has a faster TTK (1.2s vs 1.47s), and more damage per burst (495 vs 375) but less range. yes, there is a little bit of RNG involved with the obir burst, but so is with the anubis having this weird function where the shots get more accuracte later on, and the second-third shots have some RNG involved - and that's where the problem lies. as a sniper, it shouldn't have RNG involved. so the only thing the anubis needs is this stupid "feature" removed, and be properly accuracte on the second and third shot aswell. on the other hand, I'd suggest buffing DMR damage to 475 and Anubis damage to 400. that'd bring them closer to the meta of OBIR / HVR. Or, as an alternative nerf OBIR to ~420 (so it'll be 8 STK rather than 7) and HVR damage to 800 or 750. (I'd prefer buffing out of meta weapons slightly, rather than nerfing everything in the meta though)
  8. can't wait for more weapon rebalancing, especially buffing underdogs I wonder if LO will do some surveys in the future. Not just for weapon balancing, but in general.
  9. OMEGALUL anyone got a spare one? :^)
  10. oh that rings a bell, but I'm not sure about the specifics... would you care to elaborate?
  11. yea I've got to go through the captchas too before logging in (in the browser)... also on dynamic IP here. I guess it's intended as some sort of DDOS protection? not sure though...
  12. I like metallic skins, so gold and chrome mainly... or just gunmetal grey (some alternative skins have a nice recolor) I wish they'd give us some more metallic colors like bronze, silver, copper or brass. EDIT: anything below really
  13. they've explained the EMP nade a little more detailed before: The effects of an EMP field are: Disabling BoomBox Vehicles are electrified and: People inside of them take damage every few seconds. Can be prevented from entering vehicles. Alarms are silenced. Lights are turned off. Vehicle is no longer available for spawning. Remote detonation can no longer be triggered. The vehicle will explode if remote detonation is active. Mobile radar is disabled. Accelerator is disabled, vehicle can still turn and break, but not accelerate. A HUD message will show up showing that you are affected by EMP. found HERE also, they said they'll take a look at balancing cars overall, but only after the engine update is finished.
  14. Snubnose

    Disable things

    meanwhile these kids just watch porn online... do you really think it's APB's fault that someone underage could see some drawn tiddies ingame? who cares? it's the parents job to educate their kids about sexual content on the internet (or sex ed in general), and also to check what kind of games their kids are playing, if they really care about that. (most adults nowadays grew up playing "violent video games" and watching porn online, and turned out just fine.. stop throwing a tantrum because of this.)
  15. LO's symbols are pretty damn good! kinda missed an opportunity though... could've reskinned the cigar to a blunt... maybe next year
  16. good thing we got that engine update coming up, aye? (honestly though, I'd like LO to try out increasing max speed in the current engine just to check if it's actually limited by the engine or server, or if RP was lying back in the days) I'm all for increasing max speed... the current max speed is a joke, and racing always felt like driving gokarts. but also, cars in general need a good rebalance.. something like a mikro should easily outrun a pioneer, but it can't.
  17. why are some people asking for a battlepass? that's the worst kind of content output a game can have...
  18. oh boy, you got some reading to do... also "JUST BUY A MODEL" ain't that simple... they'd still have to implement it properly into the game. for example if they'd buy a weapon model, they'd still have work on it a lot to port it into the game / make it work properly, so it can be skinned and whatnot. same goes for clothes and vehicles... there's a lot more underlying things to consider... it's not just "buy model, insert model - content created, profit!". also weapon balancing.
  19. I've got a few more questions that were not answered yet (I think): 1. what about world consolidation? how close are we to being able to play all around the world and not being locked behind a region? 2. will we be able to play with our own, already existing characters from LIVE in the open beta? 3. are there still plans to implement a saturation slider to the options? (before or after the update) regarding dynamic lighting for cars, I've asked matt in a PM a few month ago, so anyone that's interested: "We are looking at this possible feature after we launch the Engine Upgrade. The main problem is the bad performance for the game at night. But I agree, we could use some visual upgrades." anything you want to add to that, matt? just asking in case something's changed.
  20. wish there was more time for the Q&A... there are still some questions unanswered and in general just talking more about APBs future would be great anyway, thanks for doing this LO. appreciate the communication and transparency as always!
  21. @MattScott got a question regarding engine update open beta: I don't know if this has been answered already (or even questioned), but will we be able to play with our current characters and all our stuff, or will it be like the usual OTW where you log in with your account, but you have to create new characters for testing... because it just feels wrong not using your own character, loadouts and designs...
  22. well, keep an eye on it... I've got this on and off.. sometimes it's there, sometimes it not... sometimes it's pretty extreme, sometimes mild. I've sent 2 latencytest to support now (in the same ticket). first one with pretty severe lags, and the other one with just a little packetloss...
  23. "...let's not flame this thread with criticism. This is a big milestone for the game. Let's enjoy it!" -Matt Scott but muh strimur!!!1!!1 I could also cry about why they didn't invite my boy Leefekyn, because he's my favorite APB streamer. bad luck I guess, but who cares? it's going into open beta shorty after anyway...
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