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Everything posted by Snubnose

  1. as other said, second clip is fine since it's just the car that pushed and teleported the player, aim was nothing snappy or anything like that. only suspicious thing about the first clip is the prefire, but it could've been just well timed lucky prefire or a way to tell the opps "come on, show yourselves!" kind of prefire, which ended up being timed luckily and he / she could continue firing. or in the end, it could still be a wallhack, who knows... but these clips ain't proof.
  2. great to hear! can't wait for some people to be magically gone again :^)
  3. is there a version of THIS WALLPAPER without the cringeworthy "choose your side and press 'k'" text at the bottom? or maybe someone of you guys is skilled and kind enough to try and do some magic with photoshop to get rid of it? also, post your favourite APB wallpaper if you'd like to, since I'm trying to get some more anyway
  4. APB already has leaning. PC can do it by Q and E, console on the other hand got an automated system, triggering when you aim down your weapon and get near a corner. don't know how reliable that is though...
  5. LUL no thanks, I like good graphics (atleast as good as APB can get..) and my rig is strong enough to always be above 60 fps, no need to tryhard with PS1 graphics. (I'm actually surprised you brought up army men, great game back in the day!) well, depends on how hard it would be to implement the old shaders? they already exist and should still be completely compatible... as said already, I'd understand if it's too much effort but if it's not too hard, they'd probably make a lot of people happy!
  6. yea I know it sounds demanding, but I wanted this for ages and G1 decided against it back then... so with LO taking over someone had to give it another shot... maybe they'll see the old shaders and get inspired by that for the engine update (3.5 or even UE4, or any patches inbetween) aswell... either way I'm happy I tried... I totally understand if LO says they can't focus on implementing old shaders if they think it's a waste of time.
  7. I'd love to have the RTW shaders back in APB. LO, hereby I request you to implement the RTW shaders into APB before the engine update rolls out, or even better (if possible) - give us a choice to use them, since IMO (and many others) the shaders back then suited the game a lot more and just looked better. (especially that fancy nighttime with shiny lights, the city felt much more alive!) fuck the blue tint in the current shaders LUL Here's an old post from Dopefish comparing APB shaders.
  8. yukon doesn't need a windup timer, it needs its mod to be fixed, since it has the burst fire rate from the marksmanshipmode when hipfiring. it would play just like the other armas variants if the mod would be fixed.
  9. most likely asking about a battleye update because you think there's still a cheater problem... I haven't met a single cheater since BE got released, and I've been playing fairly actively on citadel. I've seen quite a few people still complaining about cheaters but I guess they're the usual "you play really good therefore you must be cheating" kind of persons. I'd like to have some video proof of someone actually cheating after BE release... ontopic: I'm afraid of the shotgun changes... sure hitreg ain't good especially for shotguns but this sounds like it could make shotguns too strong. I don't think shotguns need an overall buff (for more "forgiveness"), but rather we just need better server performance for hitreg overall... certain shotguns need tweaking though, like the shredder, DOW, strife or ogre.
  10. this. also, the misery and oblivion (and even the curse but not as much) need bigger models... they look so tiny compared to other weapons LUL
  11. while we're at it, what about the new game mode and map you were talking about? is it going to be the battle royale mode that G1 already started and talked about ages ago? and what about the map? is it just a smaller fightclub map or an acutal mission district, or even a map designed for the new mode? also, the communication is priceless! thanks for that
  12. Snubnose

    In game acc's

    I'd love to have that too LUL
  13. Snubnose

    Can we have this please?

    it's different because it has shotgun shells loaded. it's a pocket JG LUL
  14. Snubnose

    Can we have this please?

    this'll be a straight upgrade to me! nothing plays worse than me! buff me, please!
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