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Everything posted by Snubnose

  1. is there a priority list for upcoming weapon changes? I'd like to know whats going to change next so I can "prepare" by more actively playing the guns that are getting changes beforehand. would make things a bit easier
  2. that was when everything else was killing faster or had less recoil / bloom... like FBW, or the old ntec with HB2 LUL carbine is in a good spot right now... it's the shotguns that need to be reverted... they were allright before 1.19.6, only a few (like shredder and thumper for example) needed individual tweaking.
  3. (it's not about the definition of cars, it's about the appearance)
  4. we basically have a porsche bodykit rapier sports cars are fine, I'm talking about these spaceship like super cars, like "Lamborghini Countach / Diablo" and others... I think there's quite a noticable difference between this: and these: I really don't think these exotic / extreme cars fit APB really well...
  5. all these super sports cars are nice IRL, but I don't think such exotic beasts fit the world of APB... IMHO, the growl is borderline immersive (still ok though)... I'm fine with tuners (like a skyline for example) and armored cars.. even old-timer back to the '60 and '70 are ok...
  6. Snubnose

    Turf Wars!

    I thought of it as it's own game mode, just like chaos district back then but with more objective based "open roaming"... I loved the feeling of chaos district since it's "pick a fight" kinda style... if you don't enjoy a certain area anymore, just go somewhere else and cause havok!
  7. Snubnose

    Turf Wars!

    for a long time, APB players wanted to have turf wars. iirc, RTW talked about turf war and that they wanted to bring it to APB... obviously that didn't happen. here's an old concept of RTW turf war-ish idea ("open world gang areas"): the pic above isn't exactly turf wars, I'm aware of that... it's a bit different.. but I'd love to see something similar to planetside 2 (obviously in a smaller scale since PS2 maps are huge and APB's are not) there are capture areas (bases) all around the map, that need to be unlocked through multiple different tasks (like destroying shield generators or stuff like that to get into the actual base and capture). (any PS2 player, feel free to elaborate on this topic, I only played it for a few hours) APB could really use a bigger map or upgrade to the old maps for something like this, but LO already mentioned "a new map" in a blogpost, as quoted here: "A new map and/or a new mode. We have plenty of these systems that were already in the works, and some that were nearly finished." so turf wars is something that could happen at some point in the future... feel free to post ideas to expand upon this whole turfwars kind of gamemode!
  8. too bad we never got a weapon designer studio... instead G1 gave us weapon skins to milk some more money...
  9. already exists, dunno if it's actually in the game files still or they have some kind of backup of unsused content, but RTW did this one pre-release. also, I'd rather have already existing vehicles to have upgraded versions (like the han veo and han coywolf) with some nice bodykits... new cars are nice and all but we already have existing content we could expand... (gimme a montane tuner version, or a sentinel that's tanky and gets a bulkier bodykit) like these for example. <- this is my absolute favourite, I wish we could have that Q_Q
  10. I'm just gonna bump this one... I really want all packs account wide.. I've got too many weapons, clothing items and vehicles + bodykits out of packs on my (main) crim character that I can't use on my enfo... such a waste...
  11. ARMAS changes won't be happening until after UE3.5 drops. MattScott stated this very clearly in the first few days after the buyout. link me please? I've been on the blog, searched for the word armas and haven't found anything about armas price changes coming after UE3.5 also went to mattscotts forum profile and clicked on all activity, went through 9 pages of posts and also searched for armas. no real time estimate found. maybe it was hidden deeper withing other posts but I checked every single forum (even though not the full posts just the first paragraph is shwoing + title) and blogpost that mentioned "armas" and haven't found a thing.
  12. I can't just sit here and read this without having a really strong urge to reply, since some of your suggestions are just unreasonable. > CAR SPAWNER: Disable the ability to spawn if the vehicle is moving with the possibility to counteract this if you use muffler moving vehicles aren't really the problem, the problem is the range it's getting blocked by enemies, it's simply just too small and should be expanded (maybe like 80m). > CAR SURFER: Make this an activation blue mod (we'd need another keybind). Ride on top of vehicles for x seconds (10 sounds good) with a x minute cooldown (1-2 seems right) never had a problem with car surfing people other than running with the item and AV weapons. other than that they have no cover and it's really nothing that bothers, since it's really easy tracking a carsurfing target. I'd be ok if there was a slight accuracy penalty but nothing too serious. > REMOTE DETONATOR: Give it a longer cooldown and/or make it also increase brick's cooldown. give it like a 45secs - 1 min cooldown (agreed on that point), but just remove extended explosion radius as a car mod... it's only purpose is to buff detonator. it's hard enough if the detonator car goes off and you have to run out of the huge radius, but meanwhile the enemy can shoot at you while you can't shoot back because you had to run, which leads to certain death. > BLOW TORCH: Reduced the usage time by half. If used while car surfing or while hanging out of a window, reduce the effectiveness by 25-50% don't see the reason to reduce blowtorch cooldown more if there's a penalty for using it while carsurfing or hanging out of the window. it's really not that OP or annoying but again - a tool used by people that run with items, wich is another problem that needs to be solved but not by nerfing blowtorch too much. > LOW YIELDS: Increase their resupply time by 50-100%. Reduce their number to 2 but if you use flak jacket, they dont get their number reduced (2 instead of 1). pretty much agree on that, even though IMO the whole explosive spam in APB should get reduced... maybe by reducing all grenades to 1 (and give them slightly higher resupply time), or nerfing explosion radius overall. > RADAR TOWER: Pretty balanced imo. Keep it as is no. this is the worst. it's a free 2d radar cheat for a certain area (areas, if multiple people use it) with no penalty. also, "just destroy the car" is not a valid point, since this exposes you aswell, and often the car is placed so it's not too easy being destroyed so you're already spotted when you have the opportunity to destroy it... also, enemies will just respawn it after it has been destroyed (if you didn't manage to do the objective by then). just by the way: had a 2v2 mission on waterfront, enemies were defending and had 2 radar towers placed at the only 2 entry points towards the objective... every other area was easily covered with your own eyes, so there was no point of sneaking around anywhere... and bumrushing wasn't a good option at all since they had the cover and elevated position and were prepared for that. radar tower is just too cheesy. > YELLOW MODS: Just make them permanent already agreed. > BOOM BOX: Make this useful by making it an AoE anti-radar tower / anti-car spawner deployable. Or make it a 'decoy' object (makes random gunfire noises). agreed. > MED SPRAY / MOBILE COVER / RESUPPLY BOX (both) / EPINEPHRINE INJECTOR / SATCHEL CHARGE: These all feel pretty balanced as-is. Maybe add a despawn timer to deployables mobile cover is just stupid... it's instant cover even though you should've died. this needs like a 2 second deploy time. others are ok I guess... > VEHICLES: Give different vehicles bonuses/penalties to certain mods. Some examples: Mikro gets a range bonus to radar tower but a penalty to car spawner Pioneer gets a bonus to fast fix but a reduced effectiveness penalty to steel plating Kurai gets a bonus to steel plating (mod penalty reduction perhaps) but a penalty to fireproofing this is a nice idea to bring up the low - mid tier cars to be more useful... I'd love to drive a sentinel if it get's increased steel plating stats. additionally I'd like to mention SPOTTER it needs to tell the spotted player that he's been spotted. just like firework launcher does. (even though IMO firework launcher should get it's spotting range reduced, so we have a chance to run away from being spotted). also, reduce time of being spotted... I think it's somewhere around 8-10 seconds right now, reduce it to 5, that's enough for your teammates to notice and doesn't take you out of the game for too long.
  13. yea seems like the changes to armas they were talking about are imminent.
  14. shoot at a car, you can hear and see the pellets register very quickly one after eachother. the first that register on target, do more damage... it's really not that complicated
  15. you're talking about this picture, maybe? (found here) same background used, just another HUD overlay... still possible to be a "template" background for hudwork / concept >_>
  16. well the first 2 pics seems kinda legit, but the third one is probably just the PC game used as background while he started designing a mobile HUD concept over that... but yea all this could still be fake... >_>
  17. is this just a fake, or will there acutally be another APB mobile game? https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9YYOR
  18. they already said they'll take a look at guns modded with IR3. changes are not final, things will change, and don't forget, this is just a part of the weapon rebalancing... VBR (temptress) for example, will probably get some tweaks aswell...
  19. never heard of anyone using namechanges to abuse other players... also, there should be records for name changes so reporting certain players shouldn't be an issue even with name changes... so umm, why not put a cooldown to name changes?
  20. nvm btw, nice crosshair changes to the anubis... but it still needs a little more tweaking... just the time it takes to get accurate.. it should be snappier for what it's supposed to be - a mobile version of the DMR.
  21. oh look, it's another one of those... m8, battleye is turned on and ever since release I haven't met a single cheater that I was sure about, only like 3-4 people that were kinda fishy but nothing too hardcore or anything proof-worthy, and not a single ragehacker / shawcopter / full aimlock cheater ever since. I'm just assuming you had some matches against actually decent players and just want to compensate the bad feeling of losing against them by saying it was cheats that caused your lose.
  22. it's the firehawk, not firebomb. there is no firebomb on armas.
  23. def needs another bump, untill LO leaves some feedback on which suggestions have been noted.
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