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Everything posted by vsb

  1. >design contest >complain about contest being focused on good designer skills >hello where is brain?????? edit: guess i'll use this as my submission post as well, no color restrictions this time :^) DXLXTXD - Jericho (NA) images with (slightly) better gfx:
  2. because apb can have wildly different performance from pc to pc, even on similar/the same hardware - it’s just not a good game atm for benchmarking
  3. there used to be a pinned post in the suggestions forum saying orbit reads it, maybe the removal of that means they aren’t anymore
  4. if you don’t get any takers in this thread there is an unofficial official apb discord here - https://discord.gg/bMZ4wq
  5. it would actually be 120 kills an hour 24/7 for the three roles he listed just one role to 16 would be 40 kills an hour 24/7 if not impossible, it’s very unlikely that any player other than the very best vets are able to do this, so it’s no different from his claims that JT are only perfectly farmable for the best veterans
  6. looks like an archery chest piece tbh
  7. it doesn’t work with a vip or item, because of the weight mechanic
  8. considering they just slapped an irl doodle on existing clothing i think even one sale would justify the "effort", especially since they aren't bothering to do anything else in regards to fixing armas
  9. the apb reloaded twitter has about 8 thousand more followers than the forum has members, i think its safe to say both are valid dissemination methods
  10. that just about sums up everything little orbit has done tbh
  11. doesn’t every thread at this point?
  12. maybe we can get some actual new clothing now? or maybe some more account bound packs? at the very least can we get this artist to actually use the ingame symbol editor to make presets??????????
  13. there’s literally a full silver financial district right now, what’s with your weird fixation in this?
  14. they reset them whenever they remembered i think
  15. the gfx are not the same as rtw or early g1, for better and worse - for instance night time looks a lot less realistic than it used to, but the old bloom from rtw was awful idk why anyone wants that back
  16. it was never gone if you've already used all of yours, then it's on you tbh - trials are intended for people interested in making a purchase, not just as free "premium" weapon leases
  17. maybe if you have fat fingers or something, correct corner peeking is just muscle memory no different from the oscar's rof the same amount of your hitbox is exposed anyway, even in your own example i think i was pretty generous with the hitbox estimation and its still almost more than half so like, tracking? the thing that everyone in apb needs to be decent at almost regardless of playstyle? plus you're more accurate with rs3 and hipfire than ads anyway, so assuming your aim is fine its still more of a bonus to use rs3 i don't even know what to say to this tbh, you shouldn't need zoom for anything you're shooting at with an oscar and the gun has basically no recoil anyway and hipfire corner peeking happens at roughly 1.5x the speed of ads corner peeking, that's faster than a "split second" i have (altho i prefer the carbine over the oscar), we can all get snobby about our years of experience
  18. fair enough idk much about tech stuff, i just figured since this was such a widespread issue that there was more going on than just apb being shit yes i'm aware, but your initial post made it seem like the halloween event shouldnt happen until they fix this, which is basically just the opposite of the current situation
  19. 200 hours is about halfway to max rank, you can't really say someone is still new at that point - even then it's not like they're suddenly going to get bodyslammed every match, they just won't be able to abuse new players anymore
  20. idk wouldn't solving something like this require driver support? the apb devs probably can't solve this on their own, which is why they're pushing the engine upgrade so hard edit: also idk why development has to stop for the people who still can play the game just to solve your problem - thats basically just the same situation, only favorable to you instead of someone else
  21. you realize that you can do the same thing while hipfiring and it exposes the exact same amount of your hitbox right? except corner peeking while hipfiring will always be faster than ads with the oscar
  22. i assume you're replying to this?
  23. i think its supposed to mean someone who intentionally seeks out every possible advantage in order to win up to and including potentially exploiting, for concrete examples, think someone who carplays with an nfas and percs all match only to run after getting a single kill in the tdm final stage or someone who glitches objectives into unreachable areas or someone who puts consumables over pick up items - usually these players are also not very good, so while their antics are annoying they aren't always effective but over the years in apb (and maybe other games too idk) it feels like tryhard is used as an abbreviation for "you aren't playing the way i want you to and/or you're better than me"
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