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Everything posted by Nitronik

  1. Not even sure why I bother replying since it legitimately feels like shouting to the void, but here we go : The RFP change simply doesn't make any sense to me. Why are we tackling the issue of a gun being too good at range by.... making it a long range weapon by design, instead of undoing the range buff that started all of this mess? The RFP was always a point of contention. Back in the day it was a sprintfire monster, that was sorted and the gun fell out of favor. Then for some reason it got a 10m range buff, they released the Fang, and all hell broke loose. This new change also does not address one of the biggest issues : The Fang. It's still the best RFP. IR3 synergizes with the weapon even better now. I'd also argue this is going to reduce long range secondary variety. The ACT and RSA are still not worth considering at all. I'm not sure what LO is hoping to accomplish with these changes.
  2. tbh if you think the FAR is bad you're beyond saving you would think OP giving us three choices was meant to help just with that
  3. Yes please! If LO wanted, we could have it as an audio kit... $$$
  4. You ever considered learning to read Not just figuring out words, but actually understanding text
  5. FAR is a pretty good assault rifle. I don't remember what Scout is there on the Joker Store but there's many other ways to get one that don't involve JT.
  6. Looking forward to how the game was about to evolve, and all the people you could play with or against.
  7. A question for us 3D Artist "nerds..." By "having a different setup" - I imagine this means they are built and textured with a more traditional method - i.e. their own texture sheet and unique geometry to fit with the model, vs the player customization asset method (which has the texture overlaid over a certain portion of the character's UV iirc, and the mesh generally "morphs" the base player vs being a unique model on top)
  8. First off : The 100 million figure was the total capital amassed by RTW at the time. They were working on two projects - the other being "Project MyWorld" which is what got them the most funding The problem with RTW APB is that the company was mismanaged to hell. Every single opportunity to waste money, or to waste time - which meant wasting money - was something RTW jumped on. They tried to be corporate, and failed extremely hard
  9. La libertà di parola permette anche di dire che la tua opinione fa schifo Ho un criminale a rank 195 quindi ci sono decisamente passato. Ripeto, se sfondi le vetrine non lamentarti se vengono a cercarti
  10. La meccanica dei "witness" serve proprio a far piangere bamboccioni come voi. Iniziate a giocare le missioni normali se volete fare soldi, o giocate di gruppo e non lamentatevi se rapinando in mezzo alla strada i vigilanti vengono a infastidirvi.
  11. They literally just posted that 1) it was an intended change and 2) the logic behind the pricing and naming scheme Quite a while before your " " " post " " " as well
  12. Thanks for the detailed breakdown , the JT PR part had me confused
  13. your post is giving me a headache, and I've tried really hard to understand it now. if I understood it correctly : literally take the current pellet scaling mechanic and adjust the scaling. Was it so difficult to understand?
  14. maybe not in APB. but they service a lot of super famous games. Fortnite, PUBG, Siege...
  15. Spotter is pretty OP. But my pick is Fragile. We need more viable health mods that aren't CA3 , and Fragile has always been underwhelming since day one
  16. LO ignored the Ogre's windup and that is a mistake imo. The gun's effective TTK is nearly a second!
  17. the NFAS' problem in its current incarnation is the stupidly forgiving pellet scaling. Have players actually need to aim with it and it'll be balanced. Right now you can graze someone with a couple pellets at best and that'll still get you a pretty comfortable min-TTK kill
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