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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. so for you it seems fair that this gun can : Do more damage than DMR AV over the same period of time Can do that outside a car window while the DMR Can't Can do that without affecting you mobillity while the DMR Can't Can do that while still being able to shred people to pieces while the dmr can but only in very specific conditions. does it REALLY sound right to you that this gun can do something it's not intended for better than a gun that was inteded for the same purpose ? Reduce the hard damage of the gun and give a slight buff to DMR AV and then it will be fair , but now , it's not , absolutely not.
  2. Ketog

    drop in FPS over time

    sounds like a memory leak of some sort
  3. Well have you tried installing every vcredit things from the TPI folder that's in the apb directory ? If after all of this nothing works , i'd suggest doing a CLEAN installation of windows (not using the given disk with your system , and actually downloading a fresh windows image to a USB drive using this tool ) But it know that's quite an extreme, but i would say that's a guarenteed solution .
  4. Iobit is a terrible company , i highly reccomend you to NOT use anything from them , remove everything from iobit you have on your PC and just install malwarebytes . im sure it will install completely fine when you don't have it anymore .
  5. Client version: Summary: Your character model is tilted when you leave your car in extreme conditions. Description: If your character exits a car that is in an extreme tilt / position , your character model will have the same orientation as the car , shown in this screenshot : As this is kind of a weird bug to reproduce and showcase , here's a video of it : Sorry , for the huge time on the bottom and black spots on the video , as i had to record this in a hassle i forgot to get the correct scene in obs Steps to reproduce: - 1: Get your car in a very steep angle. - 2: Get in the car. - 3: Exit the car and don't move. -4: Shoot. How many times have you recreated this bug: 1/1 Results: Your character leaves the car and appears to be tilted (not that other players also sees the bug for a slight moment.) Expected results: Your character should be level when leaving the car.
  6. Ketog

    account password

    you can still acess your hotmail adress trough outlook tho (i use multiple ones myself) , but if you don't have acess to it , well , wait support is the only thing you can do , sadly support is really overfilled with requests and it might take months before you get an answer
  7. no , criminals can make money without enforcers , enforcers can make money only with crims . Enforcers stays enforcers , crims stay crims , if you want to arrest people , make an enforcer
  8. i want a 4x4 lowered dolton montane for joker tickets and permanent guns for 30k jt like it was in innova
  9. i consider someone rich when he has enough money to buy the most expensive legendary.
  10. shieeet , leaking my pics @BXNNXD Anyway , indeed we do not know if there will be an event , but seeing that they did a whole name and page for it on the upcoming armas , im guessing somthing is comming . probably the same valentines event as usual knowing lo is going hard on the engine upgrade.
  11. One of my biggest questions is will the config files be encrypted ?
  12. you really don't like russians , do you ?
  13. @-Rachel- funny that you're the only one that noticed that op's using completely wrong values still . But even with that the issr does more hard damage than DMR AV in the same ammount of time .
  14. he just read the "stamina damage" instead of hard damage , he based his opinion solely on stats , still the ISSR's are very strong against vehicles . @illgot
  15. Values on APBvault 's DB are taken directly from the game , so the ones you see there are accurate . Also armas has many things that aren't updated iirc
  16. Dog Ear (issr b) https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_ISSR-Dogear_Slot2_Armas Artemis (issr a) https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_AssaultRifle_ISSR-FoldedStock_PR3_Armas
  17. A very douchy move imo , you should not be banned for it , but you should get a mail saying you've been warned , if you're caught again agter two weeks you get a 3day ban , then 2 weeks after 7 etc.. and being clean for 2 weeks would lower the counter by 1 , if anyone gets what i am trying to say
  18. Client version: Summary: The whole APB Time is offest. Description: Some of us in the clan like to hunt bugs in game , and one of my clan's members showed me an intresting one : The chat time in apb is , ahead of the ingame time , and the delay there is between the two times , happends to be the same delay as the one you get when you buy a weapon and have the "usable in less than a minute" bug . So im guessing those two issues are related , as i head that when your character gets a given weapon , it uses the date at which you got it . Here is a video showing the problem : Steps to reproduce: - 1: Send a message in apb chat (be sure to have timestamps enabled) - 2: Look at the time difference between the chat and ingame time on the right of the game . How many times have you recreated this bug: 3/3 Results: The ingame time is delayed compared to the chat time / Opposite . Expected results: both times should be in sync , and not offest to each other .
  19. I mean seeign that citadel is like 40-50% russian , it would seem fair to have the russian one at least excuse me , im a not a weab~ person that likes anime .
  20. Is this a laptop ? be sure it's plugged in , and that APB is set on performence mode in windows settings. Search for APBprogram in our case. And then choose this :
  21. Yes , edgl~ i mean people need japanese alphabet , and russians needs cyrillic for sure . pls give))
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