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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. Ketog

    Portable Launcher

    You can just copy the whole APB files to your new computer , then to update the game , install everything that's in the "TPI" folder , then you can start the APB launcher and it will work .
  2. Client version: Summary: BattlEye blocks files that are needed to load APB on AMD Hardware Description: When starting the game , BattlEye blocks the loading of the file "atiags" that are in the binary folder. Removing the files and reupdating the game doesn't change the result . Doing a fresh windows + apb install doesn't resolve the issue . Steps to reproduce: - 1: Use AMD Hardware (Radeon RX480 in my case) - 2: Start APB How many times have you recreated this bug: 5/5 Results: BattlEye prevents APB from loading and shows us this message : Expected results: APB Should load properly and not block it's own files . Extra note : This block seems to happen randomly to people using AMD Graphics card, that block happened to me once then went away by itself, it then later came back too and stopped afted an hour or two, and today (03/30/2019) it came back again. Honestly not sure what causes this, but it prevents you to play the game completely. Note 2 : As i seen that the file was made for windows XP , i thought to myself "well im on windows 10 so i might not actually even need that file", i just put the files in a separated folder , and the game started fine without them . seems like those old windows XP libraries needs to either be removed or fixed to work properly haha.
  3. There you go New contacts = new content to unlock !
  4. @MattScott Can you guys open a Q&A for engine upgrade questions in the developper Discussions ? , i've got quit a bit of them regarding stuff comming with the engine upgrade and im sure many players also do . oh you also have a fake you called @MattScot
  5. even tho it made apb much more immersive , it wasn't very practical , having no ui on the sides meaning no enemies / allies names just made it basically pointless , as for the looking , well , i placed my monitors is a way that i barely have to turn my head to look at them , so no it wasn't unconmfortable . it also made me a bit dizzy at first but it(s mostly because im not used to my whole field of view being taken by screens , it went away the more i played it this way so i guess it's only a matter of getting used to it.
  6. i wouldn't mind spending the same ammount of money as a crown to get an armas weapon for sure, i also like the premium benefits as it gives one more reason for players to get it , i honestly think that could only benefit the whole game and add a whole new level of freedom to all players while reducing the "pay to have fun / pay to get what you like" aspect of APB While very simple , i think that idea would be a very good step foward for APB and it's community , im glad someone bumped this thread .
  7. Well , it's just different screens , plus the side screens as they're cheap , they got very narrow view angles making them dimmer when not looking straight at them , but i can assure you the color difference is barely noticable when playing .
  8. Many many many things affects how a game will run on a machine , from the outside temperature , to what the game was devlopped for , to what your hardware was made on for and i could go on for very very long . there's one thing that everyone knows , doing update and having the more recent stuff will most likely give you better performance , APB might run badly on recent software and hardware , but recent games will most likely run much better on recent software and hardware , than the older ones , your test might be done and actual data , thing is it still proves nothing .
  9. i don't want to sound offensive , but you just need friends and it's okay
  10. Im pretty sure razer doesn't make gaming screens i guess you meant Acer Z35 Im pretty sure APB works completely fine in a single screen doesn't matter the resolution , using AMD super resolution i have tried playing APB in 8K and everything seemed normal
  11. Oh damn ! you got the ultrawide display , i've seen this but i never though an apb player would have one ! can we get a fullscreen screenshot ? :B
  12. i've never got this a single time , neither heard my friends talking about it too .
  13. So i just got a third screen and it happened to be the same as my secondary screen , im now running a triple screen setup with a 1920*1080 screen in the middle and two 1600*900 screens on the side ( that costed 60€ together) Im currently running a RX480 with 8GB of VRAM and an i7 6700 (not K) that i got for 50€ and 8Gigs of DDR4 Ram running at 2133 MHZ and as i know my graphics card can handle that, i wanted to try out APB on triple screens using AMD Eyefinity (equivalent to nvidia surround). i wonder how many people tried that... @BungMonkey maybe ? I've already tried APB in extremely wide formats or weird resolutions but without actual physical monitors , it was only in windowed and using specific launch parameters , if you want to know how that looks like there you go : warning image heavy spoiler . So anyway , if you seen the previous first pictures , you noticed that the gamme other than being super wide , seems normal , also the UI is on the sides like it's supposed to. Let's go straight to the point , i started apb on my triple monitors (so in 5374*1080) and i got a completely normal login screen on the middle screen with nothing on the sides , i thought my setup wasn't correct or that apb didn't like it , but i kept on going and went to waterfront , everything was in the middle screen until i spawned and got this : Not gonna lie , i was completely amazed on how it turned out , triple screen was working , and only in game , not in the menus before entering a district , first thing i noticed is the UI isn't on the sides like i expected it to while the game was rendereing on all three screens the UI was only in the middle . At first this seemed awsome as i wouldn't have to turn my head to look at my ammo or teammates , but i realised something else when going to fight club Look at my teamate called "Zinnedine" i can see his name on the screen , but as soon as he gets on my left screen , where the ui isn't ... I can't see his name anymore , his name dissapeared , that's when i remembered enemy names are part of APB's UI . and i thought having the UI in the middle was very practical , haha , well guess i won't know if someone is an enemy or not as long as i don't directly look at him . while playing like this was mostly fine (i had an average of 80 FPS) , i noticed some funny bugs , such as this : The kill icon being on the side of my main screen , no idea what it's going there but well , okay i guess. And when i took damage the red effect was only in the middle : While it was great , it was also very unpractical in other ways , but there we go , that's all i got . This topic isn't a rant or anything , i just wanted to share my experience , im pretty sure everyone here knows APB isn't made for such crazy setups , and actually only very high budget games will support this . but i wonder now, did any of you tried playing/plays apb this way ? on my side im gonna switch back to single screen apb like i always used to play , not only it's easier on the eyes , but it's not bugged and i have a much higher FPS haha Enjoy APB !
  14. You might be slightly late for that , only by a couple years tho . This was a one time exception Autumn Assault's execution was very poor , there was many problems and many unsatisfied players , this was more of first try experiment so to compensate for the poor execution the skin was just given to everyone . next time there will be events properly thought out (i hope) with exclusive rewards and it won't be the same scenario .
  15. Thanks for everyone's replies , and tips , ill use them for my job search ! thank you guys so much !
  16. Hell yeah please let us use skins on legendaries ! I mean even in real life the gun is very large so
  17. true ogre damage used to be equal to normal NFAS but it got nerfed hard and it's now terriblle im not sure if it was @Kewlin or me , but we did the math and if you miss only a couple of pellets the gun is is very unforgiving also yeah the range is only 10 meters now in the end , yep , the gun is ever more unreliable/inconsistent now than it was already was
  18. Hello guys , im Egghea~ ketog . Im a french guy currently living in reunion island , a french place close to madagascar , i passed my exams for my two year technical degree in computing and networking about 4-5 months ago and been trying to find a job since . finding a job in reunion island is almost impossible , here we have 80% people without jobs due to how overpopulated the island is (and this is not a joke , it's the actual statistics) , so everyone goes to mainland france to work , thing is lately even france has started to be very restrictive for jobs and even there i can't seem to find any jobs , im curretly living at my parent's house and what they do is enough to feed everyone easly but i don't like being dependant of others . im thinking about going to canada as i went there in a 2 month vacation once and it was by far the best trip i had in my life , for both the people and the landscapes , i also remember one thing , almost 2 shops out of 5 had a "we're hireing" sign wich seemed unreal . My parents are ready to pay me a flight to canada and rent a place temporarily if i find a job offer there , i've be using a website called "indeed" to find offers and a french website called "pole emploi" but only apllied to a few jobs yet . so my main question is , do you guys have any tips so i can be as efficent as possible to find a job ? @CookiePuss *coughs*
  19. Ketog


    Have you guys thought of using EAC as an anti cheat ? im not gonna lie , i like to lurk cheating forums by curiosity , and i've always noticed that EAC is very efficent at protecting games but once bypassed , it doesn't matter anymore , meanwhile battle eye is known to be easy to bypass , but then will always catch you later . so yeah i've been wondering , what made you guys choose BE rather than other anticheats ?
  20. Zinnedine but only when he makes his own stuff and doesn't replicate existing things (if you read this bro don't blush) and i like themes from escobar/assgooby too.
  21. This is true , but why would you need or want to dethreat if you get a fair opposition , would you really want to intentinally loose for hours (due to how the system would work) and not have fun only to later win a lot then have to redo that all the time ? meanwhile a normal player would be there having fun playing against equally skilled players . People dethreat because the matchmaking is bad , if the matchmaking works great you won't even feel the need to do so .
  22. it's indeed the only legendary that has nothing special , the gun itself needs a rework and the legendary needs somethibg too
  23. it seemed cool until i seen the invisibliity thing . The first consumable is cool i like it The second one , i also like it , but 30% damage is a lot , i would suggest to just completely remove the damage because if it was still there , i would just be marking people that are tagged 30% basically , wich is a bit much if you have to defend/attack a point . scratch that invisibility thing , it doesn't fit APB at all , apb is an urban combat game , not a phantasy game with spells , i wonder how even you came up with that and thought it would fit APB.
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