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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. This is a thing in multiple games , and it's awsome , crossout and warframe did it , so why not apb it always make the economy thrive and prevent shady websites / transactions to happen .
  2. Ketog

    LtL Conversion Mod

    Excuse me but did you actually read the topic ?
  3. But the point of doing arrests is to make the respawn time longer , it takes more effort but is also more rewarding Ehm also why remove the theme part , did something annoyed you when you got arested ?
  4. Ah yeah , i honestly wasn't sure for the name of the dynamic event, ill fix that thanks Also i would still be alright not giving a stored ammo buff to them , but i think that right now even with bandolier , weapons that can fire explosives so fast , run out of ammo a bit too fast , that's why i suggested adding a bit more ammo , so then using bandolier you would have in my opinion , enough ammo to stand alone for a while . the buff that i suggested isn't to replace bandolier , it's actually to make it more effective , plus this is more of a quality of life / convenience change Pretty much what i said above Yes ? , that's the point of a straight buff BTW i just did a spreadsheet to see the buffed values check the main post now after seeing the values again i do think that 35 is better but i also dont think 50% would be an issue as it's something that only the user sees , it would also make the ressuplying time extremely long using bandolier (maybe that's the downside you were looking for ?) .
  5. Oscar is in my opinion the most skill and aim rewarding gun of the game , that gun is very accurate and good for both CQC and long range , this thing tho is it has quite a long TTK , and also that gun being so accurate makes it very unforgiving , miss one shot and it will cost you a lot of time , oscar isn't an easy weapon to use , it might look like it is , but if you master the oscar , it also means you mastered multiple advanced aspects of the game , placement , timing , aiming tracking and more . I own the gun but i can't do anything with it.
  6. This is a known bug and the patch notes even stated it , just do the report and add the name after
  7. lmao what . Even if this were true it's way too late to do that , you can go from pay to play to free to play , but doing the opposite is almost company suicide .
  8. Hey hm , don't explode okay but ... Waits go from three weeks to months
  9. Hello everyone , thank you for giving me your time to read this post . So before talking about stats , every person that touched an EOL noticed something about them , their gameplay is unique and not comparable to any other weapons in APB , they are explosives , but with a faster gameplay added to them . I myself use the "Kickback" varient of EOL a lot and i think it's a great gun , but there's something that bothers me about EOLs , it's that only kickback is able to to fullfill what it was made for , EOL "Deep Impact" Feels okay but is still lacking power in multiple aspects (will go into more details after...), the EOL "Hammer" is by far the worse EOL of all three , it fails at doing everything that it was supposed to do and at the moment , almost any player would agree that kickback is just a better hammer . So here i will be proposing some changes to the EOL Series to make each varient much better at what it was designed for : Changes to all varients of EOL's : -Make all varients two slotted First of all , one of the things that bothers me , not only kickback is the most powerfull version of the EOL at the moment , but it's also the only one that has two modifications slots avaliable, eols already have modding limitations due to them being launchers thus unnafected by most mods and also have a preset red mod on them , having only a single modification slot on Hammer and Deep impact havely restrains people to make the weapon fit their needs or likings . -Increase their stored ammo by 35-50% EOLs being faster paced explosive weapons will burn ammo much faster than classical explosives , i'd suggest increasing their stored ammo by 35 to 50% (Effect equivalent to bandolier 2 or 3) to make them stand longer in fights without having to live near an ammo box , an OPGL as an exemple , has the same ammount of ammo but is a much slower weapon thus will be able to stand for longer than EOLs . Here's what the values would look like : [Link to the spreadsheet] EOL "The Hammer" This varient of EOL is equipped with the "Percussion 40mm Grenade" stating the following : "Adaptations to fire percussion style grenades that arm after a very short duration in the air. These do medium damage over an short blast radius." I want you guys to keep an eye on the underlined part of that text , the reason people doesn't like the Hammer varient of EOL is because it doesn't fire the grenades people expect it to , the mod itself actually contradicts it's own effect , why does percussion grenades arm after a short duration in the air ? doesn't percussion grenades you throw by hand are live as soon as they leave the hand ? , so why can "percussion" grenades bounce using the hammer ? Here's the change im suggesting for the Hammer varient of EOLs to make it do the role it's supposed to : -Make the grenades live as soon as they leave the barrel -Increase the flight speed of the grenades by 20% Those changes will make the hammer act similar to the "Egg launcher" that was avaliable when the "drug mule" dynamic event was still ingame , not as strong of course but a similar gameplay , and make the gun act like people expect it to , but those changes also raises more concerns as the weapon would suddentely become much easier to use and make it too strong which is why i would also do this : -Reduce the maximum damage radius to 150cm (compared to 225 currently) The current version of the hammer has a blast radius of 550cm , and deals full damage (535) in a 225cm radius , wich would make it way too easy to use with actual percussion grenades , this change would make it so that user actually needs to aim and track his opponent and not just spam grenades as much as he can until something dies. All those changes to the hammer would make it an actual percussion launcher that is much more usable for anti personnel purposes . EOL "Deep Impact" This varient of EOL is equipped with the "Concussion 40mm Grenades" stating the following "Adaptations to fire concussion style grenades that arm after a medium duration in the air. These bounce very little and do extreme damage to targets caught in their small blast radius, especially vehicles." As the description says , this varient of EOL is strong against vehicles but can also deal heavy damage to players by sacrificing speed . Im a huge fan of the grenade not bouncing wich makes placement of the grenade much easier considering you only have a single grenade in the magazine , the problem in that weapon is it's just not a threat to most vehicle users , currently the Deep imact only deals 1,108.8 Hard damage wich sounds like a lot , but is actually quite low , most medium cars in APB have more than 1100 health , at the moment deep impact is a true threat only to light vehicles (wich are mostly fast thus harder to hit) so here's my suggestion : -Increase deep impact's hard damage to 1,227.6 Why such an odd number you might ask , well that number is the same as a weapon that every driver would fear ! the OSMAW , so yes , im proposing to make deep imact's hard damage equal to the OSMAW so people would truely fear that weapon when they are driving a vehicle . Another thing that i noticed using Deep impact is that the windup is a bit longer (0.73) , wich makes the weapon really feel slow as it already has a longer reload time , currently the deep impact feels like an slower version of the hand concussion grenades, which it should , but i think it is slightly too slow . -Lower the windup to 0.63 seconds The deep impact is a weapon that is very hard to use for anti personel purposes , so it should at least be a bit more forgiving at being anti vehicle , lowering the windup of deep impact would make leading grenades on vehicles slightly easier , as the windup is already a handicap to hit a moving vehicle . -Lower arming time of the grenade so it becomes armed after 20-22 meters Currently the mod description of deep impact states a meduim arming time , while it's clearly much longer than the kickback/hammer varient , im suggesting this change to be able to use the deep impact at longer ranges a bit easier to destroy moving vehicles while keeping the arming time long enough to not be an issue in anti personel combat . right now the grenade will become armed only after flying about 25 meters making vehicle targeting very hard as you have to take into acount the windup , and the travel time already , this is a very slight change but that would make deep impact a bit more convinient to use. EOL "Kickback" Well , i got nothing to say for this one , as it's literally the only EOL that does it's job in a decent way. So this is it , those are the changes im proposing to make the EOL series a bit more intresting and unique to play , in my opinion those guns are very special , but they needed a bit more tweaking to fulfill their roles better . Do not hesitate to share you opinion , i honestly first thought about adding more magazine size to the weapons , but it would need much more tweaking if so or end up way too strong so i ditched that idea. Oh yeah also fix this : the name of the mod is missing an "s" after "Grenade" , both kickback and deep impact have it in the end
  10. This weapon definetely needs some love , it just feels like random stats were thrown together on it at the moment . What's the point of having a high firerate id your bloom/spread is so bad What's the point of having such high recoil when you already can't hit anything . What's the point of having a long equip time on a fast fireing secondary . This weapon truely doesn't make sense in any shape or form .
  11. Ketog


    I agree that the game should be more noob friendly yes , but that's a matter of matchmaking , and everyone that played apb more than a month knows that this game is nowhere near paytowin
  12. This has never be removed , it was just never in the game . but this makes me think about something else tho , why can't we use skins on legendaries , okay they're legendaries and have a unique skin but why is there a restriction to use normal skins on them , we had bugs before that made us able to skin legendaries and it turned out to be awsome , then it got patched also i like that a lot .
  13. 1 Summary: During the slay bells event a player can quit the mission at any moment . Description: During the slay bells event a player can use the /abandonmission command to leave the event. Steps to reproduce: - 1: Get into the slay bells mission - 2: Use /abandonmission How many times have you recreated this bug: 2/2 Results: The player unexpectedly leaves the mission . Expected results: The player should stay in the mission as long as he's in the district . 2 Summary: Slay bells ending causes a player HUD bug. Description: If a player is in a frozen part of the district , he will get damaged by the frostbite and get a special effect on his hud , but if the event ends while he's in the frozen zone , the effect stays permanetely. Steps to reproduce: - 1: Be in a frozen zone when the event mission ends How many times have you recreated this bug: 1/1 Results: The player has a permanetely frozen HUD Expected results: The effect should fade out and go away after a while. 3 Summary: Moving from slay bells event district to another district will cause your game to crash. Description: If you are in the slay bells district then change to another district, your game will crash. Steps to reproduce: - 1: Be into the slay bells event district - 2: Go into the district selection screen - 3: Move to another district How many times have you recreated this bug: 6/6 Results: You game crashes with the following error: Expected results: The player should be able to get into any other district without crashing. 4 (From now on , i don't know if those are inteded or not so im still posting them) Summary: Inconsitency between HoHopgl launchers. Description: When doing the slay bells event , you randomly(?) get the Automatic or Semi auto version of the HoHopgl. Steps to reproduce: - 1: Get into multiple slay bells missions - 2: Using the HoHopgl , hold the left mouse button down. How many times have you recreated this bug: 3/3 Results: The HoHopgl is sometimes fully automatic and sometimes semi automatic Expected results: The HoHopgl should be the same for every rounds. 5 Summary: Players unable to use their own weapons when the event finishes. Description: When the slay bells event finishes , players are left without any weapons. Steps to reproduce: - 1: Finish a slay bells round - 2: Press I and check that you have no guns , no grenades . How many times have you recreated this bug: 3/3 Results: When the mission is done , the player doesn't have any gun equiped. Expected results: When the mission is finished the player should be able to use his own weapons .
  14. I am me , yes, Ketog , Aka egghead , aka eggman , aka the only fool to wear the egghead mask and have the egg head title aka the voice of citadel's social , aka the social warrior prophet.... sorry this is going too far.
  15. Oh no ! Cooky's in , glad to see SKay back tho.
  16. what ? not only i don't understand why you quoted me but i don't understand your whole post.
  17. The guns i see the least : Primaries: Norseman : Not only because they're terrible and bad at everything , but they're also behind a huge paywall. Swarm : Intresting weapon , but people doesn't want to spend money to get it while they could get a top tier gun . N-SWW/VAS SW2 : A very very good weapon , but so few people know about it that no one is willing to bet their money on it / doesn't like limited mobility (on foot and when aiming) ISSR A + ISSR B : Both awsome weapons , my favorite being the A , i wish i had it , people doesn't want to use due to it's weird spread , but with enough time to get used to , it's a beast ! ACES Rifle + ACES SMG : both are kind of their own class weapons , but not strong enough for people to buy it. COBR-A : Even after being buffed , it still feels like an auto carabine (wich it should) , but in much worse . Scoped ntec : I it's a great gun but quite a bit of people aren't even aware that it acts differently to the normal N-TEC 5 . SBSR (Coroner and IRS) : Just bad , they need some love as much as the norseman does. VAS C2 : Ahh that gun , since the nerf people go ew when they hear about it , still an good gun imo , oh yeah , also all their varients are behind huge paywalls S1 Series guns : Well it's just because they're behind a giant paywall , manic is a beast , Frenzy is okay , and rabid is okay too. Strife : it's a good gun , it's just that most people won't like it. , also behind a huge paywall. Oblivion: Since the latest buff , it's a really good gun and has a unique playstyle , also behind a huge paywall. Curse : Okay ish gun , but not good enough for people to play it , also behind a huge paywall. Anubis : people use it only to try it out then realise how bad it is . m1922/Tommygun/Hazardous : Ahh the tommy gun it was already not used much but since the recoil change that was supposed to be a "buff" no one uses it anymore , also hazardous has nothing of a legendary , no gimmicky perk or anything like that . EOL Hammer: the weakest EOL ,It's simply terrible , not only it deals very low damage , but it has only two nades it should at least have double that , every single person that has it wish to have something else instead . EOL Deep impact: It's an okay weapon , it's good only in very specific cases , but comes in handy times to times which is why we never see it. Secondaries: Harbringer : so close to being a good gun , but it's just bad , also behind a huge paywall. Yukon : an okay gun but the legendary mod needs something more , it just feels like a really bad RFP ( but RFP is completely overpowered so it isn't really fair) TG8: While basically a stabba OCSP , the pig is avaliable which is "the HVR or stabbas" so people would use that instead. OCSP : An okay weapon , but very rarely encouters one , even after it's buff , it's still not enough to make it competitive . SNUB: well it's intended to be bad , there's a reason it's lease is only 299$ , the love of all memers . This is what I PERSONALLY see the least when i play , most of the time it's unused because it's just underpowered , but there's some little beasts hidden in there , and of course they're behind your wallet . There was a graph that G1 posted before the mass weapon rebalance , i would love to see an updated one !
  18. It's the middleground between FBW and .45 , .45 has the problem of ammo in a clip , it only has 7 bullets but needs 5 to kill and the recoil of .45 while not very high is sitll enough to make you miss sometimes , people prefer FBW because it has a much higher margin of error , FROG is between the two , it has 10 bullets and is 5 shot to kill with very low recoil , but unlike FBW and .45 it has only 10 meters range , as soon as you get past 10 meters the number of shots to kill drastically increases
  19. Ketog

    Metropolitan Police

    Hello officer , good luck for your recruiting , your rivals will be West Midlands Police Clan 8D
  20. Well as i said i personally don't mind much for people leaving and coming back for events , we all did that at least once , im fine if you don't play all the time as long as you don't dissapear for 3 months without saying anything . the choice is up to you !
  21. By the way , what if i don't agree with you , how am i supposed to take this survey , the point is to see people's opinion right ? because the options are clearely one sided there .
  22. i just tought this thread needed a bit more attention so i bumped it. . hi btw.
  23. well this is a thing that's not only in PS4 , PC and xbox player also face the same , and that's mostly because of bad matchmaking , sometimes a group on low ranked starters without mods gets matched against high rank people that are fully geared , the matchmaking only takes threat into account (and it doesn't even work right sometimes) That is something that lo has been working and discussing on (district phasing etc , wich is a good idea as we won't see more people waiting toget into 40-40 districts etc...) , the matchmaking is just super unfair , but with such a low population , it's also very hard to find the proper opposition.
  24. because it was bugged simple as that , not only it had insane firerate compared to armas mounties , but the legendary never stated anything regarding hip fire , also you didn't need to be a genius to hear that the firerate of the gun was just the same as the burst fire . Oh yeah , also was confirmed by devs that it was a bug , it was just common sense.
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