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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. that's called teasing , and loads of games does it .
  2. the range is fine , the minimum damage isn't .
  3. Just joined asylum after today's patch , and lighting seems to be broken in many ways : Exessive brightness/darkness at certain areas: Reflections / light sources at places where they aren't supposed to be : Weird line on the wall: Note : When you jump and get higher than this line , there is light being shined on your character . Im not sure if this also affect Financial or Waterfront , but they seem to be fine .
  4. yep as small as this feature was , it gave every single player a reason to play , the rewards were cool and fair i approve !
  5. it is true that you can move faster while shooting (not aiming) by using a semi auto , and i can prove it , i might post a video demonstrating it , if im not too lazy
  6. im up for this 100% please also give us dumptrucks <: even if they are zero slotted and extremely expensive
  7. Pretty much that , also if you get the DMR AV you have one that can make quick work of vehicles
  8. yep , even tho i finished the role , i think it's still really unfair to have an event that requires so much consecutive days to complete and that stays only for such a short ammount of time
  9. I mean every single player in apb has been complaining at the game's performance for so much years of course that is something we all want to know ! Plus this engine upgrade will just clean up the game so much . it will basically open new doors to the future of apb .
  10. please don't remind me this , this is pure cringe , at least to me .
  11. Ehm when are the missing JT's will be given back to pleyrs that claimed the reward while they were still bugged ? (Reward awarding 100 jt instead of 250) im sure im missing at least 300 Jt's if not more .
  12. Guess w'ill never know if it's nromal or not .
  13. i think shotguns needs a very slight range buff , all of them , and CSG is the one that needs it the most , DOW is the one that needs it the least . i would personally do this to shotties Give all of them a +5 meters range , and make their damage dropoff curve a bit smoother For CSG i would give it a 20meters range and for the NFAS Ogre i would rise the base damage per pellet to 65 ( so , still lower than normal NFAS )
  14. Rank 6 Epidemic says it gives you 250JT , when you claim it you get 100 . Plis fix.
  15. At this point it just feels like boring grind ngl . At least you were gettng rewards every day on the lower ranks .
  16. This bug was IR3 doing the opposite effect of what it was supposed to do , the big is fixed now
  17. When doing multiple trades ingame , sometimes the game crashes when both players accept the trade I do not know the specific conditions for that to occur , but i do know many people that have experienced it . The crash happends before we see the "Trade sucessfull" message
  18. annnnnnnd shit , i thought it was the 4th , i planned to make the outfit the day before the event ergh
  19. it WAS , but it got fixed , rip you .
  20. ill remove the second part , but keep the first one as accepted colors can be argued , you colors might be technicially in the accepted range but doesn't LOOK like them while lixil said "as long as it looks like that color it's fine" , your dark purple looks like black , and if you ask any random person about your eyes color they will say it's black . also i said that "take it with a grain of salt" as i had no way to verify it
  21. I updated the main topic to show what i discovered Clearly all the winners are premium , and some outfits are questionably against the rules .
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