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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. Shouldn't you give players the choice between Citadel , Jerchio and Nekrova ? Players latency highly varies there so i think it would be a wise choice to do that .
  2. The 3 days was done on a car , i don't think a legendary weapon has 2 seats
  3. okay so , you removed the trade hold , and we can trade as much as we want in a day , but come on Is there really any point to this . if the person you're trading with wants something to exchange it to get something else , he will have to wait 3 days ? that's bad . i honestly don't understand what's up with all those wait times , you have to wait 7 days for this , then 3 days for that . There's so many games where you can trade your stuff freely , so why can't we in APB ? im really bummed by this to be honest . This system is to prevent scams from trading right ? , well this trade hold is a new reason for middlemans to exist , because people are going to use them only to not have that trade hold . So as long a trade holds are there , middlemans will still be a thing , so will scammers , right ?
  4. im pretty sure less than 5% of the PC playerbase uses vivox , i honestly think pretty much anyone would rather have vivox disabled to have 3.5 first , then have that fixed . i don't know about the console version tho ...
  5. While shredder SHOULD be the shotgun with the longest range , i do agree that this is kind of too much , i think it's range should be reduced to 15 meters while starting to have a linear dropoff from 15 to 30 meters .
  6. It's actually the opposite of what you said , i suggest you forget anything you know about oblivion and give it a try in mission districts , at least once . (btw i reccomand CJ3 , HS3 , and whatever purple mod you like )
  7. tbh i ditched my anubis for a DOW when i discovered how good is the oblivion buff .
  8. most of those are just overlaying a transparent window over the game , it dosn't even touch it in any way , so no it isn't risky . also BE won't instant ban you , like a proper anti cheat should do , it kicks you if it detects something that's not allowed .
  9. Trade locked ? Man i hope , it's not what i think it is Will we be able to trade as much as we want after those 7days ? because i used to trade 10 + weapons a day , and if this prevents you to trade for 7 days i will explode .
  10. i still think we should get a clarification post , people doesn't really know where to find it , neither to understand it .
  11. MY OPEN CONFLICT NOOOOOOO :'''''''''''''''''(
  12. Well i think the whole modding aspect of the game needs to be revisited entirely , BUT , i'd rather have engine upgrade first.
  13. Yep , your post is definetly gonna help to make the game better . Also what do you prefer : Reloaded production keeping the game and loosing so much money that they have to shutdown servers ? Or little orbit that has faith in a game with great potential , working on it and trying to make it more enjoyable for everyone ?
  14. But that... I mean... its just.... WHYYYYYY? Because i like to spray like a reta... i mean i like spraying , MB also compensate for the added initial recoil so at the end it's an euryale that looses reloil over time , i like it , simple as that. what @BXNNXD said sums it up pretty good.
  15. that pistol was already made , LO did some tweaks to it and then added it to the game , there's some old concept images of APB where you can see this gun and it's 3d model
  16. people above are suggesting some stuff , but before doing that , just do the simple task of reinstallling your graphic drivers .
  17. this change is only for the heavy hvr , it might have "HVR" in it's name , but it's not the same weapon .
  18. they reduced the price of things in G1C not the price of g1c itself guys.
  19. quite easy for me 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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