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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. first , reduce your brightness , it's way too high second ... well eh ,i actually have nothing to day
  2. I can clearly see you don't live in an island , at my house i have a palm tree growing on a rock , and at our docks we do have palm trees exactly in this configuration . it might sound absurd to you , but palm trees can really grow anywhere
  3. G1's engine upgrade style is by far my favorite , RTW's one had a good feel , but it also looked old , with that time when devloppers used to overbloom things with bright colors Im not saying g1's one is perfect but it was (for once) something that players asked and it was well made in my opinon , no blurred textures on cars and clothes , no more blue tint , no more overbloomed lights , it looked good imo . (and even when i take a look at the engine upgrade myself using the engine upgrade client that g1 made publicly avaliable without knowing the game looks great) it was very good in my opinon Honestly i think , if they posted and showed more of the engine upgrade , people would lean towards the new engine's style , because for now there's just most pictures of RTW than the engine upgrade so it can't be compared really well.
  4. i have an RX480 and an I7 6700 everything is fine , 101 FPS even in maxed
  5. i can't agree with someone that wears a donald trump outfit all the time while playing APB :^)
  6. that's why g1 thought it was a good idea to sell an ignore list extender , yes ! you need to invest money to avoid harrasement ! https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=62&subcatID=259&productId=3347 Thank me later ! ... ... Sorry i had to , this is probably the most absurd armas itsem you can buy.
  7. i personally think the word is fine by itself , but becomes wrong used as an insult. also like some people say up , it's probably falls under harrassment , so yeah it is bannable .
  8. Ghost and the last ones are by far my favorites btw did you know you could use those for for APB just by replacing the file in "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Splash\PC" also we all wish we had one for our characters EDIT: this gave me an idea , i could make a program that changes the spash screen with one of those each time your start APB
  9. it's not because it's there that it serves a purpose , any devlopper could disable it , ifyou watch other config files , there's options for freecam modes and all that stuff that isn't enabled in the game , there's also XBox bindings with half of them working correctly . also there's a texture file for the convertible in the game files , yet it's outdated and has no reason to be there . there's just so much stuff in apb that's there and doesn't serve a purpose , and this "mouse fix" is one of them , it was effective before , but now it does nothing AND supposedly puts you at a risk . so be honest with yourself , would you rather keep your placebo and have a chance to be banned , or just not use it and play exactly the same without the ban chance
  10. They fixed the mouse fix a long time ago by now . so yeah , it's kinda risky but more importantly , pointless.
  11. Your name is well fitting OP Also is it that hard to wait a bit ? are you THAT addicted to APB ? , while LO is working on it you can do something else. By now LO Kept his promises true and stayed honest and open to us , so give them a little bit of time while they actually try to fix a game that you seem to love . oh and one last thing i wanted to say , Battle eye isn't going to magically erase the cheaters , but they going to be banned much faster than they were , just don't expect to not see cheaters when the updates rolls in . Imo BattleEye with a properly configured FF will be one of a hell of combinaison , while battle eye will take care of script kiddies , FF will ban cheaters with actual good cheats by watching their statistical behavior .
  12. i used to be one too , about 3 or 4 years ago , but i was tired of actually good people beating me without using any cheats . one day i stopped using cheats and started fresh . i wanted to be proud of myself , tired of being dependent on a piece of code , be actually good only using my hands , so whatever game , whatever time , i would always be good no matter what, without being dependent on a software . so yeah you can say i wanted to play legit taking my inspiration from edgelords and the known sentence "git gud" . nowdays i don't use cheats anymore , im not good neither bad , but at least i can say "that's my playstyle that's how i am" .
  13. This was kind of there before , the leader was able to kick anyone out of the mission , problem was that people were abusing it , as soon as someone was playing badly , the leader would kick him to get a better ally , so you would say " but that's why there's a votekick ! " again as you can make groups , premade golds teams will just do the same , as soon as there's someone . so , i do understand that it's annoing that you can't do anything when this happends , but just imagine what could happen if this is ever implemented
  14. i feel like he just used the wrong email .
  15. well this is due to the reverse damage curve of DMR . that's quite a special case .
  16. Você poderia fazer algum tipo de esforço para falar inglês, estamos em um fórum em inglês, meu amigo. Google translate btw.
  17. Sadira would love this color ^ 25/10 for effort , could do better
  18. When an ally uses OPGL in fight clubs , teamkill 4 people in one shot and says in chat: "noobs , don't stay close to grenade " ahh , i feel you man . those probably have the highest KD in all the game , Phonebooth : kills - 0 Deaths . Roles : Demolition rank 16, others : rank 0
  19. for me , it doesn't seem fair that there might be people falsely banned by FF because RP didn't do a good job at tweaking it , so if they have to unban people they need to be fair to everyone that were banned by a program that might have been malfunctioning for all that time . Cheaters will be banned again , doesn't matter if they are on their old main or a new account , if they want to cheat they will in any case Giving a second chance to people that were cheating is also a good thing in my opinon , sometimes , you fuck up , you regret , here you have a chance to come back , and not start from zero . this , can only bring back players that left the game unhappy . so really , to my point of view there's no downside to it , scammers and dirty people will stay banned and they have to stay banned , it will only bring back people that wants to play again .
  20. In case you didn't know the yukon firerate is a bug . If you take a look at the muntie variants in armas , and see playis with it , you will notice that the gun has a much lower firerate ( first because of the gunshots sounding normal , second because of the lower time to kill) While the yukon has an extremely high firerate even tho it's a mountie , and no , the mod never stated an increase in firerate , it only states " Receiver Modification- The weapon will now switch to Burst-Fire Mode when entering Marksmanship. "
  21. whoop , yeah my bad , still tho issr B has a much faster fire rate and is just a much better gun overall , dog ear has a massively higher firerate oblivion has a 1.40 TTK and dog ear is .90 , that's a massive difference , yes ttk isn't what only matters , but everyone can agree that oblivion is one of the worst if not THE WORST weapon of the game . Oblivion https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_Apoc-Death_Slot3_Armas ISSR B https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_ISSR-Dogear_Slot2_Armas if you were to put two people equally skilled against each other , the guy with the anubis would win in every case , anubis is a 3 shot , has a good firerate and constant ish accuracy , while oblivion loses much more accuracy in continuous shots . Anubis is more like a bad variant of DMR , and oblivion is a bad varient of ISRR B wich is in itslelf far from being a top tier weapon.
  22. absolutely not , it's a 4 shot to kill sniper and it has a slower firerate than the dog ear , wich is a 3 shot.
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