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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. what about an "other" option . i think they should remove them from armas and do balances patches on them .
  2. They aren't necessarly talking about cheats . but seeing how you react i belive you have nothing suspicious in your computer , well , one thing you can do i contact support , as LO are the only people to know how they configured BE .
  3. when they said customisation is very advanced in apb , they weren't fucking around. , i really like the color of the right dude's car .
  4. yukon , hvr pretty much any other weapons might need tweaks but those two are just plain broken .
  5. i voted OwO even if i should have voted yes.
  6. Ketog

    last post

    bye ! , see you in a month !
  7. you can just crop it , the game itself is still the resolution i stated , the top bar is extra
  8. i would like it of course , but i'd rather have them work on the engine upgrade or stuff like that before
  9. i got banned ff because i 1200x1024)))
  10. do you really think that's gonna be good looking with a 3500x600 resolution ?
  11. i was never aware of that actually , i never had to use the advanced launcher as my confing can run APB without any problem the way i did it is with starting parameters aka arguments . one thing you can't do with the advanced launcher is being in first person ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyway , enough bragging , im out :^)
  12. You thought i was done @CookiePuss HM ? (no actually i haven't done that in a while so i was just having some fun alone) HELL NO (note that this black bar was the windows taskbar from my second screen)
  13. HUURGH I GOT SUMMONED BY @CookiePuss no actually i don't have an ultrawide screen , but i can simulate it by playing in 1915x600 check this btw
  14. All of those outfits are made without premium , about 5 months ago i was whining about how terrible designing without premium is , but someone told me it's not that bad , and i learned how to take shotcuts do make things , and that's what i ended up with ! Pirate outfit Lena Farell From skyland (yes it's Farell not Farrell !) This one is unfinished and there's a lot of details to correct / missing , but that top was by far the hardest thing i had to make in 3 symbols , note that the straps goes over the shoulder , wich is mostly why it was that hard. As you can see the back straps are heavly deformeed due to the back shape , and even this is after some adaptation . Creepy miner , nothing much there , but i liked the headlamp effect i made so i posted it too
  15. APB having the same anticheat doesn't mean it's configured the same .
  16. please next time choose a better audio source , that youtube video is horribly compressed
  17. Today i was watching some old apb videos and i noticed something wrong in the video description of APB reloaded . Someone seems to have some fun changing apb's profile into youtube / youtube gaming ahem... @lixi
  18. Shooting range is NEEDED , and galleria needs clothing designers
  19. Oh well , then , i didn't knew much of that , i mean i did feel a slight delay , but i still was superior to everyone , but again it was Battlefield 1 so yeah , that's good to know stuff , and now yeah i'd guss APB isn't good for any of that then. Well , thing is those are just players that are using an accessory after all , it's kinda in the greyzone as you can consider that as people that are simply using a "upgraded" controller
  20. im pretty sure you've never seen / tried the XIM4 , one of my friends has one , and man , it just feels like playing with a regular mouse and keyboard after 5 minutes of tweaking
  21. This is something that's been so true nowdays , people dethreat so much as soon as they get against someone good they just say it's a hacker , of course if you play against bronzies your whole life you won't see actual good players as legit people .
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