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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. Hello , i got a simple suggestion that would help quit a lot the support team : I know you guys use zendesk as a support platform , and i noticed that when i made a support ticket on a game called warframe (wich also uses zendesk for their support) they give you the abillity to close the ticket at any moment with a checkbox that says "Consider this ticket as resolved/closed" close to the "sumbit message" button . I think that would be a great addition to APB's support as it would save quite a bit of time for the support team . As an exemple , i sent a bug report two months ago , and you guys fixed the issue before i got a response , today i check my mails and see a response to my ticket a month after the bug got fixed , if i were able to close the ticket , that person wouldn't have wasted his time responding to an already resolved problem .
  2. The damage mod seems like a terrible idea and would raise very high balancing concerns , we all know that touching damage resuts in terrible things also it would make strife one shot people so , just saying you know ... , just too many balance concerns. Tho for your car speed mod , it seems like a really fair mod , and im all good for it !
  3. what on earth is this hate propaganda
  4. Honestly , there's one thing that almost everyone can agree on , shotguns were fine before LO touched them , and plus no one asked for them to be buffed But LO introduced the pellet scaling mechanic with everyone liked a lot too ! the problem is they took the opportunity to change other values after adding this mechanic In the end , putting back the shotgun values to where they were before before lo's changes but applying the pellet scaling mechanic on them would be good and enough to make shotguns how they need to be
  5. I completely agree with mosty of your suggestions except two : The DOW and the OGRE one DOW Let's start with DOW , right now i think DOW is at a really good spot , and like you said buffing it the slightest would make it overpowered , while it's true that the guns feels similar to an NFAS but in an semi auto format , the way the gun behaves is completely different than the NFAS's due to it's nature , while DOW having 60x12 damage (compared to 80x12 for NFAS) might make it look like it needs some love , DOW has a much higher Per Ray Damage Scale and a lower spread , making it much more consistent that the NFAS thus more forgiving , increeasing the damage on DOW would simply make the gun way too much forgiving at higher ranges . As for the choke change , i honestly have no idea how it would be , but 50% seems like a bit much , epscially with 20-30 range like you suggested , that would basically transform the dow into a shredder V2 and make the gun way too versatile . OGRE Now for the ogre , i completely agree with you suggestion of giving it equal damage to the normal NFAS 12 just like it used to be , while the Per Ray Damage Scale was supposed to help for the shotgun consistency , it didn't really affect ogre ,as it got it's damage heavely lowered while it used to be the same as the NFAS 12 , right now NFAS 12 does 80*12 Damage with a Per Ray Damage Scale of 81 , wich puts im in an okayish having high damage that scales down fast by pellet , but on the other side , OGre now only deals 50*12 with a Per Ray Damage Scale of 94 , that sounds okay and great until you realise that ogre has only 10 meters range , low base damage (lowest of all the shotguns in APB) , very high spread and that the only thing supposed to make it strong is the high damage scale . while ogre is supoposed to feel inconsistent at longer ranges , the lack of overdamage that it has now make it a very weak option for close quarters combat abd ogre completely lost it's role of "mower" in CQC . As for your firerate change im completely against it , ogre is supposed to overwhelm you enemy with a rain of bullets lowering it's rate of fire would basically make it a worse NFAS-12 even if it's only by a little . TLDR for ogre ; Put it's damage equal to NFAS 12 like it used to be before , it will give the close range consistency that it needs right now , put the range back to where it used to be before the Per Ray Damage Scale mechanic was added , and don't touch it's firerate , all of this will make ogre the gun it used to be . PS: Luna i know you hate spaces before commas , deal with it .
  6. Hello that's a bit out of topic ( i really shing you guys should open a devlopper Q&A topic ) but i wanted to ask about the second car that was supposed to come after the IO:GROWL https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2015/07/as-we-head-into-august-with-apb.html on this post we could see"on of the two new san paro manufacturers" car and if i remember correctly there was older blogpost also mentioning it . Was the model / designing of the car done , and can we expect it anytime soon ?
  7. This topic was a meme matt hw come you can give such a serious answer
  8. Sadly this is true i personally don't mind them at all , i don't see why people become upset of people speaking cyrillic , in what is it different than people that speak spanish or any other language , citadel is literally the "international" server of APB , being on europe that has to be expected . We had russians in europe for as long as it existed , i really don't see the point for nekrova to exist especially that it's hosted at the same place as citadel iirc the only thing needed would be to add their exclusives to the whole game , but i personally would be fine if they keep them as actual exclusives too so.
  9. What , no don't touch those , they're literally the only shotguns that's in a perfect state right now . normal showstopper is a little pocket shotgun that fires very fast and good for defending yourself in CQC the showstopper thunder does what youre seeking for , it has a much slower firerate with a very high time to kill , but it can 3 shot people up to 23 meters ( i tested it myself with a friend) if you're trying to kill people that far with the normal showstopper you're definetely using it wrong and expecting too much from it .
  10. Everything is in the title , i really liked that feature , will we ever get it back ?
  11. Thanks for this update , we all love seeing stuff like this .
  12. why would they bother implementing a meme technology that works only on cards with a high failure rate , not only this technology would be usefull only in current gen games , but it would work for only an extremely small percentage of APB's population , complete waste of time and effort at it's current state. oh yeah , also remember that when you enable RTX your FPS can dip down up to 50% hehe.
  13. Ketog

    Cheez and WEED Gang

    gang gang bang bang we outta here boi
  14. Ketog


    This is a golden meme .
  15. What's the point of this thread again ? Has It has been stated that as long as it isn't genitalia or isn't in intent to offend people it's fine
  16. Ketog

    LtL Conversion Mod

    this is a very good idea , this could make weapons like Anubis or norseman actually viable i would also reduce the damage a bit more so and both apply @BXNNXD idea AND lock the range at 50 meters Reduce the range to 50 meters + 10% of the weapon's base range Adding this mod would be a simple way to open a whole new world for LTL , plus , seeing your spreadsheet , none of the weapons would seem to be excessively strong for LTL's as most of them will basically become worse weapons but that can instead stun people . the only thing i don't agree with is that mod being at rank 16 of COP , in my opinion such a mod would be a high motivation to play LTL and having it locked so far behind stuns would make cops loose interest on it , instead put it at a low rank (5 or 6) so players will actually want to play less than lethal . (also some people wouldn't use it because there's no point doing arrests at max rank cop) Still a nobrainer upvote from me!
  17. hey i was the only one that had the customisable egg head , it was sick ! but now at least i got many egghead friends ! oh wait , no i don't , still nobody wants to wear it .
  18. Let me elaborate Basically im saying that even after the maximum range and the damage dropoff , the minimum damage is way too high , which makes the RFP viable as a life grinder at any range , doesn't matter if it's 100 meters or 41 .
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