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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. Man for once i completely agree with you , the way you said it pretty much sums it up .
  2. i got confirmation (somewhere) that it is meant to be be there , and i am very doubtful that we're gonna get a word on this as it's purposely made this way .
  3. I mean someone had to do it right ? ... So yesterday , some players noticed these new signs around san paro (this one is in finnancial close to double B) taking the place of Growl signs , there are a few more in other districts but i don't know the location of them . If you find some more ads with this on them , hit me up with coordinates or a screenshot and i will add it to ths thread. Financial Billboards : Waterfront Billboards : Also that ad shows a link going towards a website called http://www.redhillinstitute.com Here's what it looks like: RedHill Website 03/01/2019 RedHill Website 03/06/2019 The website seems to be showcasting a company called RedHill, taking care of san paro in many different ways . Some people have noted that the initials of RedHill Insitute of Technology could be "RIOT" but it has been discussed a but more and this could totally be a wrong assumption as it could also be RHIT or RHIOT depending on how people read it . From here, i will post everything that was found with dates (i will be using spoilers to avoid clutter) : 03/07/2019 03/13/2019 03/14/2019 03/16/2019 03/19/2019 03/20/2019 03/23/2019 03/27/2019 (Possibly the last Redhill ARG Week ?) 03/28/2019 (The end) 09/05/2020 _______________________________________________________________________ So what was your thoughts on this ARG ? did you like it ? do you want more of them ?
  4. im sure everyone wants this not only it looks better , takes less ressources , and feels better , the current login screen is close to being earape (sorry for the raw words here but i can't find a better way to describe it) it is true , as from the test i did with the old leaked engine upgrade client i got results showing that i could load the game in a matter of 20 seconds instead of a minute still , the loading time isn't really the point, it's more the feel of it.
  5. i indeed thought of that but i honestly forgot to include it in the topic .
  6. I hope this is a thing in the engine upgrade , yes , i necro'd a thread.
  7. Am i the only one that lost stuff after the server restart was finished Shirts that i made about 10-20 minutes before the server maitenance was annouced completely dissapeared
  8. what in the actual flying fuck is this supposed to mean
  9. I would use a showstopper and an RFP or PIG and nano now i see people think about akimbo , if that was a thing you could just have one of each weapon in your hands , and they both have halved rate of fire (giving you the same rate of fire as one knowing you got two of them) and just a higher range , i'd be very fun to have , but i have very high doubts that this would ever come in apb .
  10. no , it is not not only showstopper doesn't have huge overdamage like most shotguns do , but it also kills much slower than them you have higher range yes , but that's it .
  11. Pretty much, Russians could still access the Europe chat but not type in Cyrillic, and Europeans could access the Russian chat but .
  12. Seeing last post from @MattScott here many people started getting concerned for the ammount of russians comming to citadel . While players don't really hate Russians themselves , it's been a recurring complain that players hate to see the chat being "Spammed" by people communicating using Cyrillic characters . Talking with a few friends we figured out something that could attenuate the conflict between Latin and Cyrillic languages without dividing the community . Here's the solution im proposing , just give any player by default an extra chat tab giving access separate chat with people that speak Cyrillic languages : On this screenshot we can see an "Europe" tab and a "Россия" tab (which means Russia in Cyrillic) When going ingame nothing would be changed , Russians would still have access to the European chat (But not be able to type in Cyrillic in it) and Europeans would also have the abillity to go into the Russian chat (But only be allowed to type with Cyrillic characters) , this would allow Russians starters to be lead to the right people when they start the game and also avoid unnecessary annoyance in the European chat while still allowing them to interact with other players if they are willing to . The Russian chat tab would have a completely separated district/yell/say chats while keeping all other channels the equivalent of the European ones to still allow communication in team group or other private chats. I am aware that Russia is part of europe , but let's consider them as "regions" as it makes it easier for everyone . Having this added in the game would greatly reduce the tension in district chat while also making Russians feel less oppressed by Europeans , we all want to play and have fun with people from places close to us , but we also don't want to be stuck in a box and empty servers , this is a great solution to greatly attenuate the problem .
  13. I reccomend taking a look at this post
  14. Due to the clan really growing in size we renamed ourselves from The Grumpy Pricks Club to Social Wave , posting this to avoid any confusion.
  15. it can actually kill people in 3 burst up to 52 due to overdamage . I think it's minimum damage should be reduced , and it's hipfire accuracy mostly too , maybe a very slight rate of fire nerf so you can't just outplay an obir under 52 meters. i honestly don't really know what to do to nerf the gun and keep it's feeling but it definetely needs some tweaks .
  16. Im sorry if i caused any nightmares to you guys but i had to post it
  17. i think it's a bit underwhelming yes , but i didn't had big expectations either
  18. there was a car supposed to come after the IO Growl , still waiting for it to this day
  19. Good gun ? yes , OP absolutely not While oscar is one of the most rewarding guns in the game , it can't be used by anyone , you can't just spray and pray with oscar , if you ask an ATAC user to use the oscar he will just die over and over . As i said oscar is one of the more rewwarding guns , if you miss (which is very likely to happen knowing that it's a very accurate gun that has very high mobility gemplay) it's very unforgiving , missing a shot with oscar will get you killed , why missing one or two with a weapon like atac or oca won't . TLDR : If you're a good player the weapon si good , if you are a moderely skilled player , this weapon won't do you any good.
  20. The game being 64 bit or not has no effect on the textures , this mostly affects memory usage / management Also apb doesn't have public 64 bit version yet , but this is comming with the engine upgrade. now if the game looks or runs bad on your laptop , it is probably due to power limits or some preset profile , though it could be many other things .
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