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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. the more i edit the main page , the more i reallise how messy it is to make posts without the raw view @Kevkof help me bring this back !
  2. we were meming about that in discord , then a thread actually appeared .... what has the world come to .
  3. meanwhile im still waiting fir the car that was supposed to be released after growl ... also yeah everyone asked for the romulus/remus coywolf to be a premodded (not preset) customisable car , that car is just useless like this , at least the firebomb is preset but it has something special. i also think perma guns for 20-30k jt is something that should be there and all car kits too well what im saying is basically jokerstore should be armas but with jt's instead (aka rewards player loyality with stuff)
  4. congratulations ! you're now the proof that this activity still exists !
  5. You know that the server names changed like few years ago already ? also , read this : https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/6213-matchmaking-and-threat/
  6. i tryed that then i told myself "wait... im re7arded."
  7. that seems like a much better migration , now at least i think it's fair for everyone .
  8. Billboards got a fresh look (Screenshot provided by @Ruoskat)
  9. Thread has been updated to both include the enforcer and Criminal clan.
  10. to me , seems like they're nothing left to discover , i don't think an APB Arg would go as far as most of you guys are going to , because that would mean that only an extremely small percentage of the already small APB population would be able to complete it . but we never know , i could also be wrong. I think waiting for the next week is the best thing to do now.
  11. IT IS griefing in my opinion , but this type of griefing doesn't really bother me . what really does is people ramming you on purpose with their cars .
  12. did he find someone yet ? also i like that reaper show his kills but he isn't even in han
  13. hey , if i recruit the whole citadel population , ill stop spamming .
  14. we do , the game actually has a value on how much we can control ourselves in the air.
  15. 200IQ tbh , i did a sitemap of the first redhhill website but found nothing , i didn't remotely think about redoing one after the website changed
  16. a bit out of topic but ... (thanks sky)
  17. That's very cool to hear , but there's still one question here , will everyone have the premium cooldowns , or premium players just won't have halved cooldown anymore ? , i'd like to see everyone havig lower cooldowns to be honest . oh yeah also about the new premium benefit why do i feel like it's gonna be free carspawn .
  18. Oh yeah , might want to mention that devil dog decided to change his camp in finnancial.
  19. With the help of friends we were able to predict where the billboards would appear in game after this update , so there we go , as we expected this update added the redhill billboards to waterfront : Waterfront : Granada (though the billboard is technically in yard stretch slums) Waterfront : Sandford & Del mar (billboard is technically in sandford keep) Waterfront : Neritina Road (billboard is technically in Millenium Plaza)
  20. Professional Egghead was enough credits to kevkof tho, he's the one finding the changes , im just documenting it.
  21. Updated the main topic with the new website Seems like RedHill is now taking care of people with a weird unknown disease ...
  22. Check the website again guys , it got updated : https://www.redhillinstitute.com/ Ill upload screenshots in a while on the main thread.
  23. im honestly blown away by the results of the poll above : Whether you think it's pay to win or not or just a little advantage , it is certainly not fair to have a combat advantage that free players have no acess to. even if it doesn't affect gameplay much it is still an unfair advantage
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