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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. lixil , PT is the same time as PST , and google just gives you the pst time even if you type pdt both timezones are used for that us region , PDT is the time you currently use wich is utc -7 , in winter you guys switch to PST, which is utc -8 PT reffers to the current timezone used by your region which is PDT https://time.is/PST https://time.is/PDT
  2. Yo lixil come on, you literally contradicted yourself and proven me right
  3. Hey @Lixil you're on the wrong timezones for the countdown, you used PDT time PDT time and PST times aren't the same thing , los angeles time is PDT which is UTC-7 and PST time is UTC-8 You said the maintenance ends at 9 AM PST which is in 3 hours. pls fix. (also P L E A S E, use UTC time so everyone can just add their timezone ammount to the time and they know when it is, utc is universal, having non universal time is only confusing)
  4. uhm. maybe... probably not, don't make me feel sad ok.
  5. will i finally have less than 230 MS ?! (will probably stay in citadel because i got all my progress there tho.)
  6. absolutely random bump from me, sorry, i had to martinz. i want this to happen so bad, that name basically represent years and years of mismanagement Honestly; did any of you seen the name "gamersfirst" being brought up to say something genuinely positive in the past years ?
  7. of course the server will stay the same if you never work on them like RP did
  8. the post above me is true also, yeah im wondering when this is going to happen, matt accounced the merge and how it will go, i hope russians can enjoy RIOT with us on EU .
  9. i got way too much :^) so am i, and i've got many questions regarding settings , and how will the game change with all those libraries updated...
  10. Since the first time engine upgrade got announced, many players had questions for it: The main one that we see lately is if we can get screenshots, while you guys don't want to share that for now, some players have much more questions that could probably be answered now. Would it be too much to ask for a thread with engine upgrade questions where developpers (androvald etc..), could respond to in their free time if they want to ? I've got many technical questions about the engine upgrade (not content related), and im sure many people do.
  11. LO : We gonna keep the apb servers online ! APB servers : **crashes** LO : We gonna delete the old forums in a month ! Old forums : Stays for 11 months. Me :
  12. They aren't storying anything, those people just showcase what they have to sell, all things that are sold for the maximum integer price, are things where the seller is just waiting to get an offer from someone.
  13. Not like that was a big design challenge but i still posted it here, face symbol is two parts as im not premium. Any tips to make the jacket collar look more like fur ? im really not great at making textures.
  14. please stop, be glad we have dedicated people looking into it
  15. Same problem here, clicked the join district button on the district selection screen, and it went into an infinite loading: That's where im stuck, note that i start apb with -nomoviestartup
  16. uh, excuse me but it's not because you have problems mastering a weapon that most people do, a weapon should not be balanced because 1% of it's users are unhappy. FBW is a perfect starter weapon because it's a happy medium between everything, it's quite easy to tap, has enough ammo to be forgiving on misses, and forcers you to learn it to make something good out of it, aka a perfect starter weapon .
  17. #BringBackGifting !

  18. i was waiting to see someone mention that Enforcers already have their exclusive LTL weapons, it seems fair that criminals can make money without anyone. unless criminals don't get an exclusive weapon system or something similar , i don't see a reason for enforcers to be able to make money without anyone either.
  19. We're almost over 100 members only in social wave by now, recruiting is still open !
  20. Oh yeah , this happends too : On my second match that exact spawn bug happened . Now to the questions : Well honestly, riot doesn't feel like APB at all, it's just feels like another game, just with apb graphics. No i wouldn't, not at this state at least, to my eyes, the current mode felt empty, and none of the actions you do while playing, feels like it really affects the game, i also don't like how clunky the weapon system is, why do we randomly get a message to buy our own weapons, why can't we do it at any time with a dedicated UI to this ? Also there's not clear explaination on what you are doing, at start most people were activating the riot devices without even knowing what it does, they ended up all figuring out what it does at the end by seeing they block being filled with gas For now, riot doesn't seem polished enough to be a reccomendable game mode to anyone, i know this is a test and work in progress, but that's my thoughts for now. "Imagine a battle royale game, where you are the one closing down the zones, kind of an apocaliptic surival" One thing ?! Make us start with FBW not snub, or a kife. None, i actually don't like Battle Royal type games. How unintuitive the UI was about it. Here's what i think about RIOT, while you (matt) said this mode would be unique, and use many BR elements, we clearly all seen that this mode IS in fact a battle royale mode. A simple way to say it is, if you don't like the battle royale genre, you won't like RIOT either. I am honestly very skeptical about RIOT, quite a big part of APB's community shared their thoughts on the BR genre which are mostly negative (they wouldn't be playing APB if they loved that genre of gameplay so much). No gonna lie, this mode being so far from APB's roots and core gameplay, i think there's very slim chances that this mode becomes successful in the long term, people play apb because it's unique and different, and this mode, is completely the opposite of it. Knowing you guys are going to dedicate so much effort (Battlepass, In game progression+ rewards ) into something that isn't resamblant to apb's roots seems like a very risky choice . I hope im wrong, i really do, but from a long time player's perspective, RIOT mode doesn't seem like a very good move.
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