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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. so when joining social i see this on breakwater galleria: Who's idea was this, who thought that having bright red clutter on somewhere that 's supposed to be a galleria would be a good idea ? if lawrance has to have a base just make his little room above be it, but, please, don't ruin the soothing feels of social by adding those ugly riot boxes all around that doesn't fit in the environement . he doesn't need to have a base that's half of social just for himself. you can add a room there as an exemple , or i don't know, just let him keep his stuff but only in the room he's in . Am i the only one bothered by those unfitting boxes spread everywhere and how unfitting they look ?
  2. tfw you didn't have premium for 4+ years ...
  3. yeah , i got destroyed by a green using it, it must be overpowered, please delete it .
  4. wouldn't necessarely have to hire him , but havve LO pay him to make a song just for apb could be a thing im not sure farletched would love to be in the team at this point , or at least not with the state of apb right now.
  5. This People hate 2FA by phone because it's tied to a physical object , which can break or is prone to unexpected things meanwhile an email is only virtual , other than you forgetting your password or email you can't loose it or break it i indeed don't see the point of having a tradelock ingame as it doesn't actually serve any purpose and mostly annoys the player without actually even protecting him .
  6. Thanks everyone to have participated , The Big winner was Bunrakuken , second winner KittyOfPain, Cliffnote and Machine659 for the extra round ! I will be sending out the rewards in two days due to me having a tradelock !
  7. Im waiting you guys here
  8. Prize jumped to 800k , thanks @MarvellouS @Amcor @Chumis !
  9. Prize is now 650k thanks to ArnoldTR1 !
  10. funny enough i got tradelocked this morning after a windows update
  11. Prize increased to 450k thanks to ShiNxz The event is happening tonight !
  12. i knew about the rapid99 sniper, but never knew about the others , damn those look sexy for sure !
  13. Hello guys, i've been thinking of making this thread for a while now as every day i see people complaining about tradelocks. So we all know that system that claims to make your account more secure by preventing people to trade your items if they stole your account, but while one of my friend and i had a tradelock i noticed a bit problem about that system. Trade locks actually do not make your account more secure at all, it only makes you think it does, and will only slow down a person with bad intentions. Here's why : Im sure many of you guys reading here got a trade lock out of nowhere and didn't knew the reason of it, well that's one of the problems, you don't get a reason on why you have been tradelocked , let's keep that in mind alright ? When i was tradelocked , i noticed that while my account was locked on my main machine, i was not on a computer that i previously logged onto earlier , which makes sense as it's already one of my known locations, but that's where the problem right there : You are tradelocked ONLY if you're playing in from a location that's considered to be a new computer. That means if im on my main computer with my main character, i log off ,and my hacker uses my account to login, he will get a tradelock , he will then logout Here on my side i can login back up on my account and i don't have a tradelock, everything looks normal, and i never knew anyone logged in from a new location Basically the only thing my hacker has to do now , is wait 3 days to steal my items . So that's the first flaw of the trade lock system, you do not get any notification that your account was acessed from anywhere else. Now to the second part ; there are no reasons given on why you have been tradelocked and that is another big problem, so you guys probably got a trade lock at some point and didn't knew why, usually that's caused by any big hardware change or a windows update (and that may vary still...). The problem with that is that it makes people diregard the tradelock, all of them usually just wait 3 days and tell themselves " another one of those false positives by that dumb system " not seeing a reason for your tradelock will basically make people ignore how important that message actually is. and thus they won't change their password completely making the trade lock system useless. Still following me yet ? Not sure if you noticed by this point but what i said above contradicts the first problem with tradelocks i mentionned, remember ? tradelocks is only showing on devices that are considered new computers, you actually don't get a warning anywhere else than on the hacker's computer. That means when you see a tradelock on your computer, it is ALWAYS a false positive. So why did i say that then ? : Well all of this is to prove my point : -The current trade lock system is completely pointless and doesn't give any kind of extra security for your account if you understand how the system works : -The current system is actually more of an annoyance to people only to give them a sense of security. Here's a few solutions widely used by games : -2FA (which is already in APB, it doesn't work really well but at least it does work fine). -2FA by email (Which is my favorite type of 2FA). -Email warning on connection from a new device. 2FA by email could simply require to enter a code(which is sent to your email) when logging in from a new location. that would prevent anyone from logging in without your email acess. An Email warning on connection from a new device could also be another solution, you could basically login from anywhere, but you would get tradelocked from everywhere as long as you don't confirm that new device from your recived email. (Sligthly riskier as a hacker could still delete your items without stealing them) In the end this shows that APB's current account security is more of an illusion that anything else if you don't use 2FA. On an extra note : i also thought of making tradelock more of an account lock by making you unable to use the delete button anywhere in your inventory, and preventing you to use the chat and spend money. (basically making any kind of account intrusion impossible to affect you negatively). Thanks for reading.
  14. So i was in social waiting for a marker to appear on the map to appear , then i saw the GM tell someone in the chat "Hey [random guy name] you won !" it would be cool if you guys precised that to social event doesn't have the marker as that isn't mentioned anywhere, not even in the potshot post here i was waiting for something that would never appear. it made me go didn't know i had to search already. Agreed.
  15. Hell yeah boi , if you're on citadel , ill give it to you for free yes this is cheap.
  16. I do, i was actually cheating before under the name KeyongKarus (not KeyongKiarus for the oldies that know me) I then got banned a few days after FF was introduced , i deserved it. The next months , i got banned more than 10 times under the names "TakaThe[XXX]...", the time it took for me to get banned was about a week or so, so you can tell a cheated quite a lot, one day i was using a new character that i got up to rank 70 while cheating, and the last day i used it, i got multiple times against a team of some very old APB players, and even tho i was cheating, they mowed me down with ease, At this point that's when i decided i wanted to be like them, to stop being dependent on a piece of software to be good. Since that day i didn't use any cheats or any kind of software that could help me win against players, im strictly against te use of macros or any game modifications to play the game, and even if im still bad at apb, i can at least proudly say my hand is all i need to play how i do. I'd like to say that i got a few friends that were like me, and the ones that still play apb to this day are legit, and will probably stay it. Im not saying this is the case for everyone, but i am proof that it does happen.
  17. No one actually does this , it's just a huge pain in the butt and the drawbacks of it outwheigh the advantages by far
  18. You simply can't login because the servers aren't offline , they just use a different database, a private one that doesn't have your account in it so only specific people can acess it. OTW has been closed for internal testing for a while now, still not sure why it's call OpenTestWorld as it's mostly closed to public rather than the opposite . here's when it will be open for the RIOT testing next week : As for the title of the window that has been there since the last two OTW patches , just some debug info that the devs forgot to remove.
  19. who said all etogs are me, i said i own them, but i never said they were me when im hanging out in social, when people ask me who are etogs , i like to say that they're all half me no one will ever know if etogs are actually me or not
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