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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. EVENT FINISHED This event is sponsored by: Welcome to the Drive, Seek and Think thread! So let's go straight to the point, this week in Citadel: Saturday 19:00 UTC in Waterfront Gold 1 i will be hosting an event powered by SocialWave and Criminal Lounge! For now we will be trying to host at least one event every two weeks to support APB's community in our own way ! So what it is and what do we have to do ? So as the name states, this event will involve driving, seeking and thinking, do you think you know APB well ? Because it's time to prove it, what players will have to do is basically join me in waterfront at this spot : This event will work with a point system, the first player to get to 10 Points wins the event ! -1 This will be the starting line, every player will be in their own car, and i, Ketog will be with all of you guys at the starting line. - 2 another character called Detog will meanwhile hide himself somewhere in the city, when everyone is ready, he will describe what he can see and players will have to go find him in the city when Ketog says you can go, but here's the catch, Detog recently tore a muscle on his neck so he can't turn his camera, he will notice you only when you go in front of his eyes! Oh and yeah , here's what detog looks like : - 3 When a player finds Detog and comes in front of him, that player will earn one point, - 4 Detog will then ask a question in the district chat so everyone will see it, the player that answers the question correctly earns one point. - 5 Meanwhile all this happened and all players went to search Detog , i will also be hiding myself (Ketog) somewhere in the city, not in a hard spot though, and yeah also my neck isn't broken so as long as i see a player comming towards me and in my sight, he will earn a point . And that's it , that's one round! so you can win up to 3 points in a single round ! the game will continue as long as no player has reached 10 points ! Good luck to everyone ! What are the rewards ? The Winner of this event will earn: - 1 000 000 APB $ - A free ingame Legendary DONUT ! Note that the rewards might increase depending on who supports the event. -LibertyWalker : Added +500k to the prize -Epitaphe : Added 250k to the prize See all of you in APB Reloaded !
  2. it doesn't matter , i should recive it anyway , plus that tinfoil hat code is account bound , while the one i have is not .
  3. i did not get the tinfoil hat code , neither the 1k g1c here, i did use my actual email for the redhill website since day one and , tried every time the website got updated. i did get the premium tho ( i wish it was a code so we could use it when we actually needed it, but can't really complain much as we're getting it for free anyway)
  4. please stop, i beg you, give a rest to the button.
  5. i indeed don't have a very manly voice for my age
  6. Latest version of RTSS isn't blocked , but in what the version you're using matters , and also did you actually use any of the functions avaliable in riva tuner ? Using latest stable , anyway the atiags isn't a problem for me , but it is for notgoodatnames also , the launcher redownloads those files (which i don't need) on every update.
  7. RTW and Early G1 did a lot of good for the game , and then the game stayed the same for 4-5 years , then LO came in, so all of them had a significent impact on the game so the best way to say it is, G1/RP had the worst impact on the game btw i invite you to check out this thread :
  8. So since last tuesday i've noticed that more and more people in discord started having problems with BE, it started with one person with files that are needed to start the game, he then made a bug report here : I told that guy i had the same problem before and funny enough the next day , i start my APB and get this : Well, seems like we're two now, with a bit of ressearch found that those files are supposed to be used with windows XP, as i use window 10 i thought that fine might not be actually needed to start the game, so i just moved it, and the game started fine, sadly, seems like it wasn't enough for @NotGoodAtNames , he still couldn't play. Later that day, another user comes with the same problem : And another. Then that night someone else comes and shows us this : Be starting to block a known tool (RivaTuner statistics server) used to limit FPS and measure game performence. Reminder that was all in the same day, so, next day i get on discord and see one of my clan members showng me this: And anoother one ! And i apparently missed someone else, but i couldn't find his post, anyway, we get the point. Now , while this is various different blocks and maybe completely non related issues, what did you guys do to BattleEye, like @BXNNXD said, when your anticheat software starts to affect legit players, it might be an issue to consider looking into. I get that APB has a cheater problem, but now it's starting to be a bit extreme.
  9. this is extremely cringe but i love it, would join 200% btw i love how accurate the video is, actual cholos would definetely make something like this.
  10. Bump, we're still recruiting, both clans are now active and have multiple recruiters, don't hesitate !
  11. Im slowly starting to ask myself if people here actually read the original thread, there's so much questions or assumtions that are completely off topic here, i invite all of you to read again the whole topic to not miss any info and be sure to actually understand what i am talking about. This is not a cheating forum, also i said in the main topic that for APB the delay is not 15 ms but 50 , which is a hige problem. This is not a cheating forum, don't count on me to teach you how to play unfairly. That's a completely different issue , of course higher Latency will cause a slower game responsiveness, but if you have ghostshots or "bad hitreg" it's mostly caused by packet loss (which indirectly means an unstable connection ) it will indirectly make your latency higher but higher latancy is NOT the reason of worse hit registration, you can have a high latency while having a perfect hitreg / no ghostshots if your connection is stable . Now my thread has nothing to do with actual client/server latancy , here im talking about the time APB need to properly process your input , which is a completely different thing . No this is a completely different issue, and in most cases it's just because there is a bolt/refire delay that you need to get trough before being able to actually reload . (i would be wrong about that tho) _______________________________ Oh yeah that happened to me multiple times indeed. This is another bug , it's usually not a ghost shot but the grenade actually going trough the ground and falling under the map, or it could also just be that you fired into water.
  12. Bump as i updated the topic to include a bit more information.
  13. @MattScott I would like to mention that while i was documenting the post, the FIRST picture of the redhill billboards were from @Kevkof he is the one at the origin of the ARG spreading in discord.
  14. Awsome ! also im totally up for the creation of an official APB discord (APB Discord Rich presence integration when ? <: ) Even if all servers had the main objective to bring the players together they all got their bad side too , having an official APB discord server would finally make everyone in those discord servers to be treated equally without any kinf of background modding / favoritism , which has been a problem quite a few times by now .
  15. Btw we still didn't get an explaination while sometimes it's A. partridge and sometimes A partige
  16. Oh well then i have no idea about this .
  17. not sure which "method" you're talking about , but i don't know , if the delay is the same on console, it's probably not knowing the game is on DX 11
  18. Im not sure everyone understands what i am saying in the main thread briefly , what im saying is if you hold lmb for less than ~50ms you have a chance to get a ghost shot . your ingame latency has nothing to do with it , yes latency and internet stabillity does affect hit registration but that's another topic, what im showing here is unaffected by your client-server latency.
  19. It would be cool to see Staff's opinion on this, even if it's a "we don't know", as the community clearly has shown that the name does matter , even tho it's just a name.
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