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Everything posted by neophobia

  1. i've moved on long ago, i'd just be happy to see it back again. why be so toxic? i mean you apparently are still "here" as well.
  2. q1 2014 is 7 years ago you can see matts updates. i trust little orbit much more than g1 - but i also really hope they haven't overburdened themselves here i sadly can see this being the case but i'm really full of hope for some future of apb.
  3. germany is already part of it - i'm glad you see the shortcomings of the USA though - yet the actual swastika also isn't allowed in various scenarios here (not videogames anymore but alas - also obviously not forbidden in every context.). i don't see a relation to not using this symbol and not being part of the modern civilized world though. because words and symbols have national history they tend to mean different things to different people and in different cultures. be it the n-word or a swastika - because us and german history is closer to the nazi history and it didn't have much of a past here before that but they do in other places. i'm sure you're also aware of the classic example of different perceptions of the peace/victory hand sign. i don't know anyone demonizing the chinese or japanese culture for the use of swastika-esque symbols. and i definitely have not heard of a culture of demonizing for keeping using their symbols. are the chinese or japanese more civilized than us-americans? maybe - but not because they use these symbols. Merged. that's more creative tbf oh, auto post merging got disabled. outrageous.
  4. that's how it would work with higher pop. if those aren't available, it can't do that. matchmaking. but sure, let only loners into this game, because those will rope in all their friends. great idea.
  5. nop, almost all weapons are available as permanent albeit character-bound for JTs @op, are you sure you have enough JTs and apb$ needed for the weapon? pls do provide some screenshots (win+shift+s or alt+print and upload them on imgur (no acc needed, just paste it))
  6. ye support poor indie amd underdog just wondering, do you use archlinux too or some more edgy or custom distro
  7. Works for me after Cloudflare is done. Took like 10s for me total (and it briefly looked like a loop) but works.
  8. that's not how it works. the blame was also not on nvidia per sé but the old outdated engine. there also is quite an amount of emulation required to run 32bit software on 64bit hardware - you might have seen WOW64 on your pc. if nvidia doesn't do as good of a job of emulating as microsoft (which also dont do perfect emulation, not every software runs) e.g. because certain feature/instructions are seen as deprecated - well, this might lead to crashes. it's not very far-fetched to think that new drivers - especially for whole new architectures - could lead to crashes. and definitely not unheard of. e.g. pubg, also a mess of a game, would run much better on certain driver versions but straight up crash on some newer ones.
  9. neophobia

    IR3 Truth

    ^ although i'd argue that it varies how noticable this is depending on the weapon - some really benefit from it but you hardly get to feel the downside. same for cj3 though, as well as hb to a degree (hb2 ntec days, anyone? good old scrub meta) i did like LOs idea of tweaking it further by making it also change the firerate (and dmg, iirc?) but oh well, we know how this turned out but really, idk if mods should be touched that much - except kevlar ofc, increasing it to 3000% health and removing its downsides to finally please todesklinge. i do think we have a good array of mods - except that the lower levels are basically unutilized. the game has other issues though. and you can't tell me imbalance in mods are remotely responsible for the dropping player count.
  10. bad poll, super biased and too few options. also wrong info. (LO did not enable anyone to shoot through 3rd party cars, this is how it has always been) also public poll. voted rng simply because there was no 3rd option (fine as is) and because you introduced bias against it.
  11. ...and macros. Which they are openly combatting. whilst plenty people in this thread can actually use said software without the issues you're mentioning. how selective do you wanna be
  12. yeah, fairs, that too. i guess that's still a bit easier to avoid than getting hit to 1% health... a nause, either way.
  13. add horse kick system instead and pets and housing in all seriousness, if you don't get leadership when you request it, you wouldn't also get enough votes to kick said person. but yes, the current system can so easily be abused e.g. by people damaging you just enough to not be able to be kicked. this just means there has to be additional demerits, e.g. for team damage. (possibly still not reflected in score and not leading to auto kicks, because unless those get disabled for premade groups, they are just a nuisance - like the 5 teamkills/5 minutes limit right now - if you're just having fun with your friends.) this wouldn't be a fair reason to kick though anyway. enabling /abandonmission for opposed missions just asks for trouble - but if the majority was for it, i wouldn't mind.
  14. ok what's imbalanced in your opinion? concrete examples, not "the whole game" - i know it's hard to be constructive when you're used to just making blanket statements i do feel like it's in a good spot right now, besides shotguns.
  15. all the norsemen since they're pretty much the worst weapons in the game. to play against? hmmm... not sure. guess people cheesing with PIG, yeah.
  16. todesklinge, never change kevlar 3 needs to buffed to 10x the hp so you can score kills, we get it how many forum threads did we get about this now? did we really need them? very balanced indeed. surely. that's why it only gets positive replies. edit: lmao looking at it again, flak jacket +1 grenade/-40 EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE taken or -1/-80 lol. what in the world. how were you not hired yet? LO and G1 are/were missing out on serious talent.
  17. spell paid correctly first, professional impression and all
  18. ohhh lmao i've read an "on" into there
  19. isn't citadel still the bigger server?
  20. read the post again then, it was thoroughly explained. they couldn't have kept eac.
  21. is that still a thing? last time i've heard that name feels like 11 years ago
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