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Everything posted by neophobia

  1. Wha? Looks the same as Toobiis for if you leave it at default... Okay no, I broke something with the quote buttons since i wanted to make them gray instead of white (the bar has the same color now) Fixed now
  2. I created a customizable version of this (for light/more colorful versions): https://userstyles.org/styles/160572/apb-forum-minimal-customizable You can also choose own images as background... (However since some elements don't have a default background set and I ahd to make some changes it might mess up some small things)
  3. no, it is most definitely not religious - the temple symbol is the other way around. (and putting a black swastika in a white circle with red stuff around it definitely is not related to any religion) (unless you want to argue nazis are kind of a cult) i'm german too and to me swastikas are okay in videogames. and unless they are there just to offend others (unlike wolfenstein or some historical games) they should always be allowed. which is obviously subjective - and i feel there has to be a line of good taste somewhere - would it be okay to allow people to shout "gas the jews" too? as i said, drawing a line somewhere, and i guess. it's not like they forbid "jedem das seine" which had a long history before it was instrumentalized by the nazis. maybe noone ingame would care about nazi symbols either - but it would definitely create a bad image for apb/LO - buzzfeed headlines such as "family friendly game dev endorses nazi propaganda" xd
  4. This is not limited to console gamers, don't act like that lol
  5. This. And that aside, there are also so many useless drops for people who actually spent lots of money on armas already - should they be "punished" for that? I'm not talking about not giving any duplicates, then you could just drop Legendaries from every box - but maybe reducing the odds of them. or add increasing odds like Dota 2? (if that's not a thing yet) Revealing the odds would be a good move - people will still gamble (-> CS:GO gambling sites) Adding trials via JT would be a good move Or giving people a choice of one untradeable one once they reach 255, idk Add more cosmetic (exclusive?) stuff (the ideas from quote sound good) Add free ingame lootboxes with way worse chances as random rewards (mb with stuff like few jt/apb$ etc) I'm glad you don't make legendaries generally untradeable. However... taking EA as an example doesn't seem too good I guess you do you. Just listing some ideas from other games (that you may be aware of though)
  6. My point was they they are not VAC bans but Game Bans, noone mentioned the name - And it was mostly clarification about which effects both Game Bans and VAC bans can have. Tbf, idk why I added your quote... >Whoops, Sorry
  7. Those are called Game Bans: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6899-IOSK-9514 Quote from there: (In all VAC protected games there are also none VAC servers that you can always play on.) The issue here is that APB doesn't have any kind of offline stuff - I guess they could do it like "limit to social"? Not sure. I don't think Steam would agree to this. That's something LO would have to figure out - and even then, Steam is rather indecisive at times, maybe they'd revert their decision. (And then again they could just annoy people in social etc. I guess they could make a cheat-district, that should be fine.) If it's not gonna be displayed on the profile etc. I think LO could do whatever they want though and just ban based on the Steam ID (not URL/Name, you have an unique identifier that you can't change) Wouldn't stop people from rerolling though. Creating a new Steam account is just as easy as doing a new G1 one... It might only scare people away from cheating on their mains. I guess that would be good? HWID bans were already in place with PB and will probably see a return with BE - issue is that they probably won't help much. Many cheats - no matter which game - include a HWID changer and even spoofing it "manually" should be no problem. I guess it would help against macro users who just use their mouse software or smth similar - and have no idea what they are doing but want to get an advantage - somehow. (I think FF had a similar system? Not sure if they actually were like normal HWID bans but there you go. Issueing temporary IP bans (since most people have a dynamic one these days anyway) could help too - but yeah, 24h and they'd have a new one (or less if they just reset their connection...))
  8. yes please, i'd like that (i actually use discord light theme too :^))
  9. If they don't allow us to remove ingame vids (via fodler or advanced launcher) too, I hope they atleast make it an option ingame...
  10. While I like the bright background it comes with a few visual issues: On the front page of the forums the big sections come with a banner that always seems to have a white font - while you can read (thanks to the shadows) it i think a slightly darker background would increase readability a lot. Same goes for the top page numbers: Also: The icon over the upper right corner to move YouTube-Videos is sometimes not very visibile because it layers over the text or whatever is above. Moving videos under the last line with that icon at the corner (-> point before) seems impossible. Sometimes the editor glitches out and doesn't let you select any text (can't provide steps to recreate it, just happened once to me.) - I think this is related to embedding YouTube-Videos and maybe moving them? Might experiment more and record it if it happens again. On mobile you can't click below a quote (or edit anything but that quote) if you hold backspace too long A very very minor one: if you try to move a YouTube-Vid and let go "in the video" while dragging, it's stuck at moving (without still dragging obv) and you have to click again to let go. I like the embedding and those are just minor issues - just listing what I found. I'd also love to have a full more bright theme - if that's possible. PS: Love the pink background, where is that one from? Is that some new art? The other ones look very familiar... Ah another thing, we didn't have this in the old forums either - but do you have a way of adding [ spoiler ] tags just like lists etc?
  11. Is this some hardstyle festival intro? Brings back memories when I was like 14 and listening to that stuff xd Also those poor bronzies at 2:25 (Also lmao remote detonator (I know, it's fun but jesus)) Nice video EDIT: LMAO I KNEW IT
  12. beacon was fun but i'd still prefer asylum if i had to choose between those two and if i had to choose between all three, i'd probably like to kick baylan shipping out i'm still a bit sad the objectives got removed and it's only deathmatch now
  13. Are bullet traces going to be fixed? lul
  14. Fam, it's been a long time but it's finally time for your first anniversary on this forum
  15. I actually archived a few good old threads - both locally and rechecked archive.org Px
  16. did everyone here already put their avatar in or did it transfer over for you?
  17. Hi, hi, hello - Really like the new look! Icons/font takes quite some time to load and forums look weird on mobile - weirdly enogh just occasionally. (like formatting is totally broken idk, will take a screenshot if it happens again, all perfect right now) (Plus: Atleast on mobile most themes look very similar - if not the same? edit: no, it just doesn't let me switch. using stock chrome on android 8/oreo) Gosh those reaction emojis lmao - really like the idea!
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