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Everything posted by Sayori

  1. This guy has been steadily trolling for few weeks. Surprised there are people who still fall for it. So ez.
  2. Most cheaters are enforcers Mind you there'are few people who had like 100 crim accounts banned so this kind of increases crims share. https://ffbans.org/stats
  3. This has nothing to do with bad eyesight. It's about deeply rooted instinct. I played FC for 10 minutes and already shot more friendly targets than I did in the past year. Clearly it was a problem. Life goes on...for everyone else, just not you.
  4. bUt iT wAs UnDeR oThEr mAnAgEmEnT. AnD hE hAs GoOd ReFlExEs :] Why not have Mr Epic Goat on your stream? He's legit. This is the worst execution. Ever. If you wanna promote streamers just host their channel. Oh, I wonder if certain overly critical streamer will ever make it to be on your channel? Probably not.
  5. You are not G1, are you? Can you put some more effort please, if going to showcase the new clothing please use bigger images. 300x200px ? Really?
  6. Yep. He's not even denying it, his problem is that he got permaban and he thought it's only going to be a month... lol It's a cultural thing.
  7. Can't tell whether this is funny or sad. Yet another thing postponed due to mismanagement. You've been talking about it over a month and a half, you knew your mail system (supposedly?) sucks and you will be rebuilding it, and yet you planned this and made the announcement. Did you really also not expect some people to start "squatting" names so they can resell them later? Unfortunately you can't easily prevent that unless build some detection system for account creations but then...hwid spoofing. "For those that bought name changes, we're not that far out." You realize that once someone buys a name change they can't play with that character until they change their name? But it's also people's fault for preemptively buying name changes. Sorry, I wish I could say something positive but you guys are making it very difficult.
  8. Classic. Change of plans in the last minute then no information what's so ever. Are they going to do something tomorrow?
  9. Nobody really knows but some people pass around some stupid equation they have found and claim it's how it works without ever been verified by G1. It makes no sense to have subthreat levels these days too(gold 1 - gold 10)
  10. I like how the ntec jump and lean memers are going ape mode :^) Variant B changes are nice, if someone wants* pin-point accuracy they have to do two-round bursts. Three-round bursts requires you to wait few milliseconds more to recover. Jump and lean sucks now even more which is good. There's no point in Variant A changes, people already run MP3 mod which means they are fine with less ammo in the magazine. edit: Oh, and hipfire is better now, it's harder to just spray.
  11. What are you talking about? They’re not loot boxes, they’re surprise mechanics, and they’re quite ethical!
  12. Got new ssd drive and cloned the old one. Windows 10 didn't ask me to re-activate however got trade locked in APB, can't even post my symbols on market. The detection system is seriously garbage.
  13. Speaking of redeem codes, I'd rather LO make the loyalty codes indefinite. "Here's your reward....but expires lulz". I have bunch of codes that expire this year. Canned food lasts longer.
  14. Unit Game exists, however it was registered just 2 months prior the acquisition. The sole purpose of this company was to purchase APB, nothing else. Matt Scott claims they have market from Taiwan to China and develop strong IP... yeah right, in 2 months. lol It's possible they didn't want to related their real company with APB...but why not? What are they hiding? Haven't found time to dig deep and figure out who really owns it but eventually will get to do it, or someone else will. I know it's none of our business but when after playing this game for 5 years I feel like I should know who bought it the IP. https://www.hkcorporationsearch.com/companies/2844609/
  15. If you are talking about a certain russian from a certain a certain cheating EU clan, then I think he got banned but bought a new account.
  16. Just renew your subscription if you are getting pounded too hard :^)
  17. Can you message me that youtube video, if there's a keylogger than it will be detected:) Once someone who used to run the "community" forums of a gw2's server had a beef with another guy. So he used his access to the forum database and decrypted the password. "Hacked" into his account and made some cringy video with threats. And yes, the guy used the same email and password everywhere. It's still possible he got hacked the same way. Also it's possible to be full of sh.t knowing the apb community.
  18. Absolutely atrocious and uncalled OBIR/FFA changes. Go nerf NTEC5 or something that is abused daily. Or maybe Euryale And I like test b longer fuse timer. Damage is ok.
  19. Literally no one asked for this. I'd like to see them nerf the ntec...forums will be flooded with tryhards complaining.
  20. He's talking about Western Europe specifically. 5% is old data. You can do your own research, my post will get deleted if I do post anything But I will say two things - fertility rate and birth/death ratio.
  21. When you get random group invite from a russian
  22. This is not very clear at all. Does it mean that if I login to play daily but I haven't used a character over an year* that name will be released despite that the account in general is active? edit: and why don't you guys make your own stream instead rather than promoting and relying on others? Same applies for discord. For example CCP have own twitch channel where they do streams rather than picking the "top" streamer and being unfair towards the rest. That's how it's done. Professionalism.
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